1 恐怖黎明V1.007补丁更新内容介绍 V1.007补丁更新说明 技能篇( 五 )

Slightly increased drop rate of Unique items on Elite and Ultimate difficulties from non-Nemesis sources.
轻微提升了精英和终极难度非复仇单位装备掉率 。
Reduced some excessively high Aether resists on various enemies (ex. Aether Crystals, Flesh Hulks, Aetherial Phantoms). While these enemies are still highly resistant to the Aether, they should become more approachable for builds heavily reliant on Aether damage
降低了某些超高虚化抗怪物的虚化抗(虚化晶体、等等) 。虽然这些怪依然高额虚化抗,但是对某些虚化bd更好打了 。
Slightly increased % damage bonuses from Cunning and Spirit. Monster base damage adjusted accordingly.
轻微增加了敏捷和智力%伤害加成 。怪物基础伤害相应也调整 。
【1 恐怖黎明V1.007补丁更新内容介绍 V1.007补丁更新说明 技能篇】
