1 恐怖黎明V1.007补丁更新内容介绍 V1.007补丁更新说明 技能篇( 二 )

Nightfall: increased Frostburn damage scaling with rank. Significantly increased Life Leech damage scaling with rank, particularly at ultimate ranks.
夜幕降临:随等级增加霜燃伤害 。显著增加生命吸取伤害,满级增加非常多 。
Devouring Blades: increased % Pierce, % Bleed and % Damage Converted to Health scaling with rank. Added Vitality damage.
毁灭刀锋:随等级增加%穿刺、流血和伤害转化生命 。增加活力伤害
Merciless Repertoire: added flat Poison damage
Nidalla's Hidden Hand: % Pierce dealt as Acid conversion now scales with rank, starting at 5% and scaling to its previous value of 33% by rank 8. Scales up to 65% by max ultimate rank. Pierce builds can now gain a small Total Speed debuff from this skill without taking a large hit to their damage, likewise Acid builds can invest further to specialize.
尼达拉的隐手:%穿刺转酸伤现在随等级增加,1级5%,8级33%,满级65% 。穿刺bd现在可以投入一点获取减速效果,酸性bd可以尽量高增加转化
Night's Chill: significantly increased Cold damage and added Frostburn damage, reduced % Resistance Reduction to -30% by rank 10, -40% by max ultimate rank
暗影之舞:显著增加冰伤,增加霜燃伤害,降低减抗效果 。显著10级-30%,满级40% 。
Phantasmal Armor: increased Armor scaling with rank
Ring of Steel: increased Pierce damage scaling with rank, % Weapon damage now scales up to 170% by rank 16, continues to scale to 210% by max ultimate rank
钢铁之环:随等级增加穿刺伤害,提升%武器成长比例,现在16级 170%,满级210% 。
Circle of Slaughter: increased % Crit damage to 35% by rank 12, 45% by max ultimate rank, increased Bleed damage scaling with rank
Brute Force: slightly increased Lightning damage scaling at ultimate ranks
Devouring Swarm: increased Vitality damage scaling with rank, reduced % Vitality Resistance Reduction to -70% by rank 16, -90% by max ultimate rank, reduced % Bleed Resistance Reduction to -40% by rank 16, -50% by max ultimate rank
虫群:随等级增加活力伤害 。降低活力降抗成长,现在16级-70%,满级90%,流血将抗成长降低,16级40%,满级50% 。
Storm Totem: increased Lightning damage scaling with rank
Corrupted Storm: fixed an issue with the Lightning damage not properly converting to Vitality damage
Wind Devil: increased Physical and Electrocute damage scaling with rank
风魔:随等级增加物理和电击伤害 。
Maelstrom: increased Lightning and Electrocute damage scaling with rank
Stormcaller: increased Electrocute damage scaling with rank
Wendigo Totem: slightly increased Vitality damage scaling with rank
Blood Pact: added flat Vitality damage

1 恐怖黎明V1.007补丁更新内容介绍 V1.007补丁更新说明 技能篇


Eel: added 4% Move Speed
Harvestman's Scythe: added 4% Move Speed
Sailor's Guide: increased % Move Speed to 8%
Bat Fangs: reduced cooldown to 0.6s, projectiles now have 100% chance to pass through enemies
蝙蝠星座技能:cd降低到0.6s,百分比几率穿透敌人 。
Blades of Wrath: reduced number of projectiles to 15 by max rank
愤怒之刃:降低投射物数量,满级现在15个 。
Blizzard: increased Frostburn damage and increased % Weapon damage to 16%, increased Projectile Radius to 2.0 and reduced Target Radius to 5.0
Bull Rush: reduced % Weapon damage by 5% at max rank, increased Physical damage
公牛星座技能:满级降低5%武器百分比伤害,增加物理伤害 。
Elemental Barrier: fixed missing visual effect indicator
Falcon Swoop: reduced % Weapon damage by 5% at max rank, increased Physical damage
Meteor Shower: increased Physical and Fire damage, increased Projectile Radius to 2.4 and reduced Target Radius to 5.0
