
谢谢邀请 。关于怎样才能突破自己 。不使自己受束缚于自我的话题 。建议从以下几点开始做起;1、打破以往的认知 。行动先于思考 。重新定义你现在所处的环境 。2、要为自己建立一个良好的人际网 。从中选择有利于发展自己的方向 。4、要有计划的合理规划自己的选项 。希望对你的发展能够有所帮助 。在人生之路祝你一马平川!
突破自我 。一个是身体极限 。另一个是思维极限 。是先天与后天的综合因素促成 。在于先天的遗传 。及后天的锻炼 。每天一小步 。积少成多 。
人都是被逼出来的 。人的潜能是无限的 。如果安于现状 。你将逐步被淘汰!逼自己一把 。突破自我 。你将创造奇迹!
Everybody's success is forced out 。and people's potential is unlimited. If you are content with the status quo, you will be eliminated gradually! Push yourself and break through yourself, and you will create miracles!
要想赢得主动权 。让自己得到成长和突破 。就得装盔披甲 。去拼去坚持 。这是必经之路 。除此之外别无捷径 。
If you want to win the initiative, let yourself get growth and breakthrough, you have to wear helmet and armor, go to fight to insist. This is the only way. There is no other shortcut.
相信自己 。突破局限 。尽一切努力实现目标 。Believe in yourself, push your limits, and do whatever it takes to conquer your goals.
学习不是为了让别人赏识; 而是为了让自己内心更有力量 。正因为不屑于学习 。才突破不了;正因为没时间学习 。才越来越忙;正因为没有坚持学习 。才离成功总有距离!学历代表你的过去 。学习力创造你的未来!与智者为伍 。坚持学习 。可以改变命运!幸福生活从坚持学习开始!让学习成为习惯 。让成长永不止步!Learning is not for others to appreciate; It's about giving yourself inner strength. Just because some people look down upon learning, they cannot make a breakthrough. Just because some people are not willing to spare time to study, they are getting busier and busier. Just because some of us cannotkeep learning, that's why there's always a distance from success! Education only represents your past, but learning creates your future! Keep company with the wise and persist in learning,and you can change your fate! A happy life begins with learning! Let learning become a habit!Let growth never stop!


