如何在领英上精准搜索目标客户?( 三 )


备注:如果你是新注册的领英帐号 。一定要先完善好你的领英帐号个人信息资料 。同时因为领英人脉级别限制的规则 。领英上很多人是你无法添加的 。所以可以让自己的同事、朋友加自己为好友 。并寻找自己行业内可以添加的人 。以及系统推荐的人添加 。去逐步建立和扩大自己的人脉圈 。
3. 点击领英助理左侧功能导航栏里的“人脉” 。利用搜索关键词+定向国家+职位头衔来提高搜索质量和精准度 。比如我可以搜索某个产品在某个国家内的所匹配的公司老板、采购、销售、工程师、设计师等 。以此将领英里的目标客户都搜索出来 。然后批量发送消息添加好友 。我们只要很简单的提交发送任务就行了 。然后等待它自动执行完成:


备注:当搜索的关键词是由多个单词组成 。而每个单词又能理解成不同意思的时候 。可以使用\" \"指令 。它会限定给出的搜索结果必须是包含\" \"中出现的所有的词 。这个和谷歌的搜索指令是通用的 。另外职业头衔只建议用简单的单一关键词 。提炼思维参照我之前讲谷歌搜索开发客户里提到的一样 。多查看几个自己对口的领英客户资料 。看看他们会在自己的职业头衔里填写什么 。然后找出共性关键词 。
我们可以把这个批量发送消息添加好友看成是发送开发信 。比如我大概每天批量添加120至200个好友 。就相当于找到120至200个客户邮箱 。发了120至200封开发信 。同时完全避免了发送开发信容易进入垃圾箱和到达率低的问题 。也大大提高了发送的数量和效率 。并且添加好友成功后 。我们能充分发挥社交营销的优势 。进行持续的自我曝光和品牌输出 。
所以如果想要提高添加好友的通过率和回复率 。你的消息话术就一定要有吸引力和价值 。这里分享一个很成功的案例过程 。

Hi Stephen,
Good afternoon.
This is Mike from China. I am also in led lighting industry, and i have some questions need your help. Could you pls kindly accept my invitation? Thanks in advance.
Best regards
大约一个小时的时间 。客户通过添加好友的申请 。并回复到:

Hi Mike,
Sorry for late reply, what is on your mind

Hi Stephen,
Happy new year.
Thanks for your kind acception.
【如何在领英上精准搜索目标客户?】I noticed you are very professional on led lighting, and led downlight is also one of your main products. Then may i ask do you import goods from China? If yes, then would you mind i sharing some of our popular products with you? Actually, we are a professional manufacturer specialized in led lighting with 14 experience, maybe we could so sth for you. Do you have any interests?
If i brought you some unconvenience, hope your understanding.
Have a nice day!

Hi Mike,
Happy New Year to you also, yes I do buy from China, but I. Only buy quality and unique products, Australia is oversupplied with down lights and similar products, so like to be a little different.
Kind regards

Hi **,
Good afternoon/morning/day.
This is ** from China. I am also in ** industry, and i have some questions need your help. Could you pls kindly accept my invitation? Thanks in advance.
Best regards

Hi **,
Good day/afternoon/How are you?
Thanks for your kind acception. I noticed you are very professional on **, and ** is also one of your main products. Then may i ask do you import goods from China? If yes, then would you mind i sharing some of our popular products with you? Actually, we are a professional manufacturer specialized in ** with years(5/8/10) experience, maybe we could so sth for you. Do you have any interests?
If i brought you some unconvenience, hope your understanding.
Have a nice day!
备注:在批量添加好友的消息里 。可以设置自动添加客户称呼 。这会让客户收到你的信息阅读体验更好 。也就有助于提高你的邀请通过率 。
同时每天不要过于追求添加好友的数量 。一定要确保精准度和优化设计好自己的消息内容 。有了质量和通过率后 。在逐步提高数量 。这样才能达到我们与目标客户建立人脉关系 。获得沟通机会的目的 。
