关于爱的英语作文10篇( 三 )

最近 , 新闻报道了一个女孩和她的男朋友做了一个计划——杀死她的父母 。幸运的是父亲由于没射中要害而活着 。当警察花两年时光弄清楚真相后 , 这个家庭感到十分震惊 。因为原因是父母太爱他们的女儿了 。事实上正是爱让这杯具发生 。父母对他们的女儿有着很高的期望 , 打从女孩十分小的时候 , 她就被送去学*的压力 。为了不让她的父母失望 , 她甚至欺骗他们 。爱是许多父母忽略孩子的感受而为孩子做决定的借口 。如果孩子们反抗 , 那么父母就会说那是因为爱他们 。爱对许多年轻人来说是一个很大的负担 , 父母应当研究孩子们的真实情感 。
Love is everything 。Love is the most brilliant thing in the world 。Because of love ,  our world turns out to be a sunny place 。
We couldn"t go without love 。For instance ,  love can help us municate with each other very well ,  love can help us overe all the difficulties ,  love can help us get rid of our unhappiness ,  love can turn our enemies into our friends ,  and our destinies can also be changed by love
What"s more ,  love is a bowl of rice for a hungry beggar ,  love is an overcoat for a tramp in winter days ,  love is an umbrella for us in raining days ,  love is a stick for the old ,  love is the best medicine for the sick ,  love is the sunlight for the blind ,  and love is the gospel for the deaf 。Without love ,  our world is meaningless 。
However ,  love isn"t a bunch of flowers or a nice present 。Love is a thread in our coat 。Love is inside ,  making our life warm and fortable 。
我们需要爱 We Need Love
Nowadays ,  Internet has been part of our life ,  and we can do a lot of things with it 。No matter at work ,  or scan instant news ,  we can improve our efficiency by the Internet 。Every coin has two sides 。Internet also brings the negative sides 。A lot of people attack other people by spreading the rumors or saying the rude words in the Internet 。Sometime they even attack each other and the audience enjoy the show 。Many people advise the government to carry out some policies to supervise people’s behavior on the Internet ,  so as to create a harmonious environment 。We need love instead of hate 。It is love that makes the world better ,  so don’t use the Internet to do the negative things 。
如今 , 互联网已经成为我们生活中的一部分 , 我们能够用它做很多事情 。无论在工作上还是阅读即时新闻上 , 经过互联网都能够提高我们的效率 。事物都有两面性 , 互联网也带来了消极的方面 。很多人在互联网经过传播谣言或说粗鲁的话中伤他人 。有时他们甚至相互攻击 , 吃瓜群众也是喜爱看热闹 。许多人提议政府实施一些政策来监督人们在互联网上的行为 , 以创造一个和谐的环境 。我们需要爱 , 而不是恨 。是爱让世界更完美 , 所以不要使用互联网做负面的事情 。
关于爱 About Love
Love is everywhere 。We have love from our parents and friends ,  which makes us bee stronger 。Without love ,  we can’t survive long ,  or we will just like the walking dead 。So many great people have owed their success to the love from families ,  but the love for nature always forgotten by the public 。
Love from families and friends are praised in so many works 。Like the great poets ,  they wrote so many famous works to give applause to the people who support them all the time 。In the movies and TV shows ,  family love and friendship occupy most themes 。They show the great power of human being 。With love ,  we can conquer all the difficulties 。
But love for nature is not often mentioned by the public 。We love the beautiful scenery and the lovely animals ,  so we have the desire to protect the environment ,  for the purpose of keeping clean scenery and make sure the animals won’t disappear 。Animals and human being are part of nature 。We live and die together 。
Love is not just around families and friends ,  but we also need to care for nature 。
爱无处不在 。我们有来自父母和朋友的爱 , 它让我们变得更强大 。没有爱 , 我们将不能长久生存 , 或者就像行尸走肉一般 。所以许多伟人都把他们的成功归功于家庭的爱 , 但对大自然的爱却总被大家遗忘 。
