

Today is on the first day, grandpa will be put off firecrackers in the morning, I got up early on, the thought of grandpa grand* happy New Year, I was particularly excited, bec*se they give me the big red packets. I, mom and dad bought a *o boxes of oranges to grand*"s home, on the families of the door is red paper. The atmosphere of the New Year"s day is happy sati*ied. The saw uncle *nt say congratulation all the way th*ugh. Dad said I really polite. Unconsciously, we have to the public, grandpa home is busy, I wish grandpa grand* healthy body first, *rything goes well, good luck in year of the horse.
【九年级寒假生活英语日记】They gave me a big red envelopes, say I grew up faster this year high, learning p*gress. I thanked them one by one. The *s chat, we children all go to fireworks, all had a special time. New Year in the country, f*m the first day to the fifth are busy *ry day. I especially like the New Year in the countryside. Receive red envelopes I intend to keep for my mother, I"m going to buy a pair of sports shoes to mom. Bec*se my mother you hard. I love you, mom, I wish mom happy year of the horse, health, * and * be*tiful.
今天是大年初一,一大早*就放了鞭炮,我也早早地起了床 , 一想到去外公外婆拜年 , 我就特别地激动,因为就要收到她们给我*大红包 。我、*和*手里提着二箱桔子向外婆家出发,大年初一家家户户*门口都是红红*炮纸 。过年*气氛都是喜气扬扬* 。一路上看见叔叔阿姨都要说恭喜发财 。*夸我真有礼貌 。不知不觉中我们已到了外公家,外公家里很热闹,我先祝外公外婆身体健康,万事如意,马年大吉大利 。
她们给了我大红包,说我今年要快高长大,学*人们聊天 , 我们小孩子个个都去放烟花,个个都玩得特别开心 。在乡下过新年,从大年初一到初五天天都是热热闹闹* 。我特别喜欢乡下*新年 。收到*红包我打算交给*替我保管 , 我打算买一双运动鞋送给* 。因为*你辛苦了 。我爱*,也祝*马年快乐、健康,越来越美丽 。
My winter holiday is very bo*ng. I stay at home for most of time. Sometimes I visit my f*ends and play basketball with them. Sometimes we go shopping.
我*寒假生活很无聊 。我大多数时间都呆在家里 。有时候我去看望我*朋友和他们打篮球有时我们去购物 。
One day, we go to the KFC. We have hamb*gers, chicken coke and French f*es. We have sore th*ats. We go home and have a rest. Then we feel better. We go and play com*r *s! How *d we are!
有一天,我们去了肯德基 。我们吃汉堡包,*肉焦炭和炸薯条 。我们喉咙痛 。我们回家休息 。然后我们感觉更好 。我们去玩电脑游戏!我们是多么*疯狂!
有一天 , 我们去了肯德基 。我们吃汉堡包,*肉焦炭和炸薯条 。我们喉咙痛 。我们回家休息 。然后我们感觉更好 。我们去玩电脑游戏!我们是多么*疯狂!
有一天,我们去了肯德基 。我们吃汉堡包 , *肉焦炭和炸薯条 。我们喉咙痛 。我们回家休息 。然后我们感觉更好 。我们去玩电脑游戏我们是多么*疯狂!
This is the only thing I can talk about in the holiday.
这是我可以谈论节**唯一 。
惬意*寒假悄悄离去,自由自在*生活一去不复返,新*.学期开始了,回想起美好、无忧无虑*寒假生活,可真有点依依不舍 。
我多么留恋 , 多么留恋寒假里那温暖*被窝,寒假里我可以毫无顾忌地一觉睡到大天亮,在温暖*被窝里玩芭比娃娃;在温暖*被窝里听音乐;在温暖*被窝里做甜甜*美梦……八点?九点?十点?我想睡到几点就睡到几点 。这样我就养成了睡懒觉*坏* in so that I can"t get up at school. Get up again and again *ry day!
How I love to stay in love with the happy life in the winter vacation. D*ing the winter vacation, my father and mother would take me to visit f*ends or f*ends, or take me to play the streets. Every day, happy to go out, happy to go home. It"s so happy *ry day. The only time to go to school is next Sat*day and Sunday.
How I love it, how much I love my mother"s gentle *iling face in the winter vacation. In the winter vacation my mother asked me to relax a little, watch TV and play com*r yes, it was very free. The new semester started, I was quiet in operation and books, let alone watching TV, playing com*r, *n read the extrac**cular book also do not have time.
How I linger in love, the relaxed mood in the winter vacation. How to *ke a sightseeing to* of the winter vacation life...... Although I am still in love with the life of the winter vacation, but tell myself, the new term begins, let me take a new post*e to meet the new start!
