GO语言教案美术课件 go语言教程pdf

I learned English for six years, and my English gets better and better. I enjoyed learning English because English is fun and good for me. I studied hard, I listened and read English at home everyday; I need to practice because I want to speak good English. I believe, English can help me in the future and I want to learn more English when I go to middle school.
As globalization is aeptcted by more and more people, It is significant that people from different language and cultural backgrounds need a unitive language in order to municate and get more involved into the global market.Unfortunately, English is chosen to be the language not chinese as I expected. Anyways, we have to e up with some quicker ways as in skill to learn english. Initially, if we want to suessfully on the painful way to learn English, we have to *** yse this weied and retard language at first, we can simply can this language "hybrid bastard" as it is mixed by different random European languages. Just as all the other languages, there are four ponents of this language. From my personal opinion, massive reading is the key to learn this language, although I am a lazy person, so I don't want to punch all the new bizarre looking words into my translator, but it's crucial if you do this painful process, and you can acplish your goal in developing the ability of this language once you have done an amount of readings. In addition, Listining, Writing are paratively easy and less time-consuming with reading, you just need to do more if you want to see some processes in the filed you want to. At last, I am tired of typing words, so I will s here, have fun in learning this useless language , and wish Mandarin dominate the world in the nearest future, please give me that pile of golden goals as I wrote like this much by myself.
1 不要无的放矢 。很多考生在拿到图片以后,只盯着图片不放 。没有对考官问的问题给以足够的注意力 。比如 。考官说,你的同伴刚从英国旅游回来,请你对他的行程进行提问 。这本来是用过去时来问和答的,却有相当一部分考生用将来时 。这样考官会认为你没有听懂他的问题,即使问答很熟练,也不会得高分 。
2. 不要忽视练习 。考前多练习,有助于提高自信心 。在口语考试时,语法问题并不复杂,但是熟练准确运用人称代词、时态、从句等语法规则非常重要 。
3. 不要畏惧错误 。一般情况下 , 不建议考生“自我更正”,因为这样会影响表达的流利程度 。万一说错不要紧张,应镇定更正 。
由于紧张 , 难免有听不懂的时候,这时可要求考官或同伴重复一次或请他们换一种表达 。
口试虽然语法不难 , 但考生要想拿高分,平时必须注意基本能力的培养,多听多说,听不懂便无法进行交流,克服聋哑英语 。必要时,要在考前作些强化训练 。这样考试时才能充满自信,发挥出应有的水平 。
虽然口语学起来有难度,但是,有个外教就格外的好我觉得 。大家都说没有外教,其实外教可以随时随地在我们身边 。大家知道英客线上口语培训么?他们家就是外教一对一电话英语口语培训的学校,只要有电话,全中国甚至世界哪都可以学 , 电话费也不用我们担心 。所以你们也去试试他们的英客线上口语培训平测试吧 。
一下是比较好写的论文题目,希望能帮助你!噢 顺便一提 几天前帮我指导的ABC天丅口语的导师说过 就是想征服英语应该是不费力地!绝对有个好的学习环境以及进修口语物件,最关键就是外教水平 口语纯正非常重要 , 持续每日口语交流,一对一家教式辅导才能够有.好.的学习成果~上完课还要重复温习课堂音讯 更可以加深印象 。若真的是没有人可以指导的情况 可以去 VOA或大耳朵取得课余教材学习 多说多问不知不觉的英语水平就培养起来,学习效益肯定会迅速明显的!
