python函数博客 函数 python( 十 )

Kenneth Reitz's The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python contains a wealth of information both on the Python programming language and the community.
How to Develop Quality Python Code is a good read to begin learning about development environments, application dependencies and project structure.
Beyond the basics
The Python Ecosystem: An Introduction provides context for virtual machines, Python packaging, pip, virutalenv and many other topics after learning the basic Python syntax.
The Python Subreddit rolls up great Python links and has an active community ready to answer questions from beginners and advanced Python developers alike.
Good to Great Python Reads is a collection of intermediate and advanced Python articles around the web focused on nuances and details of the Python language itself.
The blog Free Python Tips provides posts on Python topics as well as news for the Python ecosystem.
Python Books is a collection of freely available books on Python, Django, and data analysis.
Python IAQ: Infrequently Asked Questions is a list of quirky queries on rare Python features and why certain syntax was or was not built into the language.
Videos, screencasts and presentations
Videos from conferences and meetups along with screencasts are listed on the best Python videos page.
Curated Python packages lists
awesome-python is an incredible list of Python frameworks, libraries and software. I wish I had this page when I was just getting started.
easy-python is like awesome-python although instead of just a Git repository this site is in the Read the Docs format.
Talk Python to Me focuses on the people and organizations coding on Python. Each episode features a different guest interviewee to talk about his or her work.
Podcast.__init__ is another podcast on "about Python and the people who make it great".
Python Weekly is a free weekly roundup of the latest Python articles, videos, projects and upcoming events.
PyCoder's Weekly is another great free weekly email newsletter similar to Python Weekly. The best resources are generally covered in both newsletters but they often cover different articles and projects from around the web.
Import Python is a newer newsletter than Python Weekly and PyCoder's Weekly. So far I've found this newsletter often pulls from different sources than the other two. It's well worth subscribing to all three so you don't miss anything.
怎么使用python搭建一个博客一 新建工程
命令: django-admin startproject mysite
# 有的需要输入: startproject mysite
其中:一个命令行工具 , 通过它可以调用Django shell和数据库等 。键入python -h , 查看它的相关功能 。让 Python 把该目录当成一个开发包 (即一组模块)所需的文件 。这是一个空文件,一般你不需要修改它 。项目的默认设置 , 包括数据库信息,调试标志以及其python函数博客他一些工作的变量 。项目的URL设置 。可视其为你的django网站的目录, 负责把URL模式映射到应用程序 。 服务器网关接口(Python Web Server Gateway Interface),web服务器和web服务程序或者框架之间的一种简单而通用的接口 。
二 运行服务器
mysite(上一层)目录下执行命令:python runserver
You have unapplied migrations; your app may not work properly until
they are applied. Run 'python migrate' to apply them.
很明显 , 已经告诉python函数博客我们怎么做了 , 那就执行一下:python migrate
