python函数博客 函数 python( 九 )

4、视频 , 屏幕录像,演示文稿等
一些技术交流会议的视频录像: best Python videos
awesome-python  , 收集了python各种非常好用非常酷的包,确实非常awesome,让作者相见恨晚( I wish I had this page when I was just getting started) 。
6、 播客(Podcasts)
Talk Python to Me,关注使用python的人们和组织 , 每一期都会邀请一些开发者谈谈他们的工作等 。
Podcast.__init__ ,关于python和让python更牛B的人们 。
Python Weekly ,最新的python文章、视频、项目、资讯。
PyCoder's Weekly,和python weekly类似 。
Import Python
New to programming
If you're learning your first programming language these books were written with you in mind. Developers learning Python as a second or later language should skip down to the next section for "experienced developers".
To get an introduction to Python, Django and Flask at the same time, consider purchasing the Real Python course by Fletcher, Michael and Jeremy.
This short 5 minute video explains why it's better to think of projects you'd like to build and problems you want to solve with programming. Start working on those projects and problems rather than jumping into a specific language that's recommended to you by a friend.
CS for All is an open book by professors at Harvey Mudd College which teaches the fundamentals of computer science using Python. It's an accessible read and perfect for programming beginners.
If you've never programmed before check out the Getting Started page on Learn To Code with Me by Laurence Bradford. She's done an incredible job of breaking down the steps beginners should take when they're uncertain about where to begin.
Learn Python the Hard Way is a free book by Zed Shaw.
Dive into Python 3 is an open source book provided under the Creative Commons license and available in HTML or PDF form.
While not Python-specific, Mozilla put together a Learning the Web tutorial for beginners and intermediate web users who want to build websites. It's worth a look from a general web development perspective.
A Byte of Python is a beginner's tutorial for the Python language.
Code Academy has a Python track for people completely new to programming.
Introduction to Programming with Python goes over the basic syntax and control structures in Python. The free book has numerous code examples to go along with each topic.
Google put together a great compilation of materials and subjects you should read and learn from if you want to be a professional programmer. Those resources are useful not only for Python beginners but any developer who wants to have a strong professional career in software.
The O'Reilly book Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist is available in HTML form for free on the web.
Python Practice Book is a book of Python exercises to help you learn the basic language syntax.
Looking for ideas about what projects to use to learn to code? Check out this list of 5 programming project for Python beginners.
There's a Udacity course by one of the creators of Reddit that shows how to use Python to build a blog. It's a great introduction to web development concepts through coding.
I wrote a quick blog post on learning Python that non-technical folks trying to learn to program may find useful.
Experienced developers new to Python
Learn Python in y minutes provides a whirlwind tour of the Python language. The guide is especially useful if you're coming in with previous software development experience and want to quickly grasp how the language is structured.
Python for you and me is an approachable book with sections for Python syntax and the major language constructs. The book also contains a short guide at the end to get programmers to write their first Flask web application.
