我的摄影技术很好英文 我的摄影技术

1. 我的摄影技术很好英文照相的英文photograph 读音 [?f?ut?grɑ:f] 。照相zhào xiàng(拍照) take a picture; take pictures; take photographs; take photos; photographing base; photograph; shoot; photography:缩微照相 microphotograph我给你照张相好吗? May I take your picture?我们在一起照了相 。
We were photographed together.(请别人给自己拍) have one's picture taken:站 (坐; 蹲)好, 准备照相 pose for a picture
2. 我的摄影师用英语怎么说摄影师
摄影师:Cameraman; Photographer
总摄影师 chief cameraman
年度新闻摄影师 Newspaper Photographer of the Year
专业摄影师 professional photographer ; radio actress
摄影师美术馆 Photographers Gallery
婚礼摄影师 The Wedding Photographer ; ISPWP ; Wedding Photographer
副摄影师 Associate Director of Photography ; Associingested Director of Photography
美国电影摄影师 American Cinematographer
战争摄影师 War Photographer ; War Photographer-With James Natchwey ; With James Natchwey
不是我,我想当一位摄影师 。
Not me. I want to be a photographer
除去采访人员和摄影师,我相信人人平等 。
I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers.
事实上,让一个人做摄影师另外一个做模特,这样的角色扮演倒是可以尝试一下 。
In fact, do a bit of roleplaying and have one person be the photographer and the other the model.
我想她应该是一个世界著名的摄影师 。
I think that she should be a world famous photographer.
What kind of photographer is he,amateur or professional?
3. 摄影技术不错用英语怎么说航空摄影(aerial photography),又称航拍,是指在飞机或其他航空飞行器上利用航空摄影机摄取地面景物像片的技术 。
4. 我的摄影师英语答案:I have been dreaming of becoming an excellent photographer ever since I was seven. That all started when I saw ...
5. 你的摄影技术很棒英文【我的摄影技术很好英文 我的摄影技术】摄影是photography,视觉就是vision , 这个很正常啊 , 英语和汉语一样具有很多近义词 。
同样是茶馆,你叫农村茶馆显得很土,叫乡村茶馆就瞬间有文化了 。
