prometheus snmp_exporter使用

【prometheus snmp_exporter使用】犀渠玉剑良家子,白马金羁侠少年。这篇文章主要讲述prometheus snmp_exporter使用相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
一. 交换机开启SNMP协议

snmp-agent sys-info version v2 #v2为snmp协议版本 snmp-agent community read ci test1234 #团体名 snmp-agent trap enable snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname Public123456 #允许向snmp服务器发送trap报文

二. 部署snmp_exporter1、下载snmp_exporter
wget tar xf snmp_exporter-0.19.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /opt/

2、编译安装generator,生成snmp_exporter配置文件snmp.yml2.1 安装Go环境
wget tar xf go1.11.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/ vim /etc/profile export GOROOT=/usr/local/go export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin EOF source /etc/profile go version #显示版本号即安装成功

2.2 编译安装generator
yum install gcc gcc-g++ make net-snmp net-snmp-utils net-snmp-libs net-snmp-devel -y go get cd ${GOPATH-$HOME/go}/src/ go build make mibs #如果已下载相关设备厂家提供的mib文件则无需再次生成mib库,跳过此步

2.3 获取需要监控的硬件设备mib库
2.4 编写generator配置文件
modules: module_name:# The module name. You can have as many modules as you want. walk:# List of OIDs to walk. Can also be SNMP object names or specific instances. - Same as "interfaces" - sysUpTime# Same as "" - Instance of "ifHCInOctets" with index "40"version: 2# SNMP version to use. Defaults to 2. # 1 will use GETNEXT, 2 and 3 use GETBULK. max_repetitions: 25# How many objects to request with GET/GETBULK, defaults to 25. # May need to be reduced for buggy devices. retries: 3# How many times to retry a failed request, defaults to 3. timeout: 5s# Timeout for each individual SNMP request, defaults to 5s.auth: # Community string is used with SNMP v1 and v2. Defaults to "public". community: public# v3 has different and more complex settings. # Which are required depends on the security_level. # The equivalent options on NetSNMP commands like snmpbulkwalk # and snmpget are also listed. See snmpcmd(1). username: user# Required, no default. -u option to NetSNMP. security_level: noAuthNoPriv# Defaults to noAuthNoPriv. -l option to NetSNMP. # Can be noAuthNoPriv, authNoPriv or authPriv. password: pass# Has no default. Also known as authKey, -A option to NetSNMP. # Required if security_level is authNoPriv or authPriv. auth_protocol: MD5# MD5, SHA, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, or SHA512. Defaults to MD5. -a option to NetSNMP. # Used if security_level is authNoPriv or authPriv. priv_protocol: DES# DES, AES, AES192, or AES256. Defaults to DES. -x option to NetSNMP. # Used if security_level is authPriv. priv_password: otherPass # Has no default. Also known as privKey, -X option to NetSNMP. # Required if security_level is authPriv. context_name: context # Has no default. -n option to NetSNMP. # Required if context is configured on the device.lookups:# Optional list of lookups to perform. # The default for `keep_source_indexes` is false. Indexes must be unique for this option to be used.# If the index of a table is bsnDot11EssIndex, usually that\'d be the label # on the resulting metrics from that table. Instead, use the index to # lookup the bsnDot11EssSsid table entry and create a bsnDot11EssSsid label # with that value. - source_indexes: [bsnDot11EssIndex] lookup: bsnDot11EssSsid drop_source_indexes: false# If true, delete source index labels for this lookup. # This avoids label clutter when the new index is unique.overrides: # Allows for per-module overrides of bits of MIBs metricName: ignore: true # Drops the metric from the output. regex_extracts: Temp: # A new metric will be created appending this to the metricName to become metricNameTemp. - regex: \'(.*)\' # Regex to extract a value from the returned SNMP walks\'s value. value: \'$1\' # The result will be parsed as a float64, defaults to $1. Status: - regex: \'.*Example\' value: \'1\' # The first entry whose regex matches and whose value parses wins. - regex: \'.*\' value: \'0\' type: DisplayString # Override the metric type, possible types are: #gauge:An integer with type gauge. #counter: An integer with type counter. #OctetString: A bit string, rendered as 0xff34. #DateAndTime: An RFC 2579 DateAndTime byte sequence. If the device has no time zone data, UTC is used. #DisplayString: An ASCII or UTF-8 string. #PhysAddress48: A 48 bit MAC address, rendered as 00:01:02:03:04:ff. #Float: A 32 bit floating-point value with type gauge. #Double: A 64 bit floating-point value with type gauge. #InetAddressIPv4: An IPv4 address, rendered as #InetAddressIPv6: An IPv6 address, rendered as 0102:0304:0506:0708:090A:0B0C:0D0E:0F10. #InetAddress: An InetAddress per RFC 4001. Must be preceded by an InetAddressType. #InetAddressMissingSize: An InetAddress that violates section 4.1 of RFC 4001 by #not having the size in the index. Must be preceded by an InetAddressType. #EnumAsInfo: An enum for which a single timeseries is created. Good for constant values. #EnumAsStateSet: An enum with a time series per state. Good for variable low-cardinality enums. #Bits: An RFC 2578 BITS construct, which produces a StateSet with a time series per bit.

snmpwalk -v "snmp版本" -c "coummunity" IP oid(可选)

#通过snmpwalk查询过滤出有值的数据,获取子节点值 snmpwalk -v 2c -c test1234|grep -v 0$

2.5 运行generator生成snmp.yml
export MIBDIRS=mibs #指定mib库路径 ./generator generate cp snmp.yml /usr/local/snmp_exporter/ #将生成的snmp配置移到snmp_exporter目录下

./snmp_exporter --config.file=/usr/local/snmp_exporter/snmp.yml


三、配置prometheus 1、修改prometheus.yml
scrape_configs: - job_name: \'snmp\' static_configs: - targets: - SNMP device. metrics_path: /snmp params: module: [if_mib] relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__address__] target_label: __param_target - source_labels: [__param_target] target_label: instance - target_label: __address__ replacement: The SNMP exporter\'s real hostname:port.

curl -X POST http://localhost:9090/-/reload #如果prometheus启动参数有--web.enable-lifecycle,可通过此命令平滑重启

