

  • Java
  • C#
动态数组(C ++中的向量, Java中的ArrayList)会在我们尝试插入时自动增长, 而新项目没有更多空间了。通常, 该区域的大小会增加一倍。
可以通过分配固定大小的数组(通常大于立即需要的元素数量)来构造简单的动态数组。动态数组的元素连续存储在基础数组的开始处, 而到基础数组末尾的其余位置则保留或未使用。通过使用保留空间, 可以在恒定时间内将元素添加到动态数组的末尾, 直到该空间被完全消耗为止。
当所有空间都被消耗掉并且要添加一个附加元素时, 需要增加基础固定大小的数组的大小。通常, 调整大小是很昂贵的, 因为你必须分配一个更大的数组, 并从该数组中复制所有你已过度使用的元素, 然后才能最终添加项目。
方法:当我们在数组中输入一个元素但数组已满时, 你将创建一个函数, 该函数将创建一个新数组, 其大小为double值, 或者根据你的需要, 将所有元素从先前数组复制到新数组中, 并返回此新数组。另外, 我们可以减小数组的大小。并在给定位置添加元素, 然后在默认位置和该位置移除该元素。
添加元素:如果数组大小不足, 请在末尾添加元素, 然后扩展数组的大小, 并在原始数组和给定索引的末尾添加元素。完成所有复制操作需要O(n)时间, 其中n是数组中元素的数量。附加费用很高。在固定长度的数组中, 追加仅花费O(1)时间。
但是, 只有在我们插入完整数组时, 追加操作才会占用O(n)时间。这是非常罕见的, 特别是如果每??次空间用完时我们将数组的大小加倍。因此, 在大多数情况下, 附加时间仍为O(1)时间, 有时为O(n)时间。
【动态数组是如何工作和实现的()】在动态数组中, 可以在需要时创建固定大小的数组, 并在数组中添加更多元素, 然后使用以下方法:

删除元素:从数组中删除元素, 默认为remove()方法, 从末尾删除元素, 仅在最后一个索引处存储零, 还可以通过调用i为索引的removeAt(i)方法在特定索引处删除元素。 removeAt(i)方法将所有右元素从给定索引移到左侧。

调整数组大小:当数组右侧的数据为空/零(不包括由你添加)时, 该数组将占用未返回的内存, 则srinkSize()方法将释放额外的内存。当所有空间都被消耗掉并且要添加一个附加元素时, 则基础固定大小的数组需要增加大小。通常, 调整大小是很昂贵的, 因为你必须分配一个更大的数组, 并从该数组中复制所有你已过度使用的元素, 然后才能最终添加项目。

动态数组的简单代码。在下面的代码中, 数组将变为完整大小, 我们将所有元素复制到新的double大小数组(可变大小数组)中。示例代码如下
// Java program deals with all operation of a dynamic array // add, remove, resize memory of array is the main feature public class DynamicArray {// create three variable array[] is a array, // count will deal with no of element add by you and // size will with size of array[] private int array[]; private int count; private int size; // constructor initialize value to variablepublic DynamicArray() { array = new int [ 1 ]; count = 0 ; size = 1 ; } // function add an element at the end of arraypublic void add( int data) {// check no of element is equql to size of array if (count == size) { growSize(); // make array size double } // insert element at end of array array[count] = data; count++; }// function makes size double of array public void growSize() {int temp[] = null ; if (count == size) {// temp is a double size array of array // and store array elements temp = new int [size * 2 ]; { for ( int i = 0 ; i < size; i++) { // copy all array value into temp temp[i] = array[i]; } } }// double size array temp initialize // into variable array again array = temp; // and make size is double also of array size = size * 2 ; }// function shrink size of array // which block unnecessary remove them public void shrinkSize() { int temp[] = null ; if (count > 0 ) {// temp is a count size array // and store array elements temp = new int [count]; for ( int i = 0 ; i < count; i++) {// copy all array value into temp temp[i] = array[i]; }size = count; // count size array temp initialize // into variable array again array = temp; } } // function add an element at given indexpublic void addAt( int index, int data) { // if size is not enough make size double if (count == size) { growSize(); }for ( int i = count - 1 ; i > = index; i--) {// shift all element right // from given index array[i + 1 ] = array[i]; }// insert data at given index array[index] = data; count++; }// function remove last element or put // zero at last index public void remove() { if (count > 0 ) { array[count - 1 ] = 0 ; count--; } }// function shift all element of right // side from given index in left public void removeAt( int index) { if (count > 0 ) { for ( int i = index; i < count - 1 ; i++) {// shift all element of right // side from given index in left array[i] = array[i + 1 ]; } array[count - 1 ] = 0 ; count--; } }public static void main(String[] args) { DynamicArray da = new DynamicArray(); // add 9 elements in array da.add( 1 ); da.add( 2 ); da.add( 3 ); da.add( 4 ); da.add( 5 ); da.add( 6 ); da.add( 7 ); da.add( 8 ); da.add( 9 ); // print all array elements after add 9 elements System.out.println( "Elements of array:" ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < da.size; i++) { System.out.print(da.array[i] + " " ); }System.out.println(); // print size of array and no of element System.out.println( "Size of array: " + da.size); System.out.println( "No of elements in array: " + da.count); // shrinkSize of array da.shrinkSize(); // print all array elements System.out.println( "Elements of array " + "after shrinkSize of array:" ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < da.size; i++) { System.out.print(da.array[i] + " " ); } System.out.println(); // print size of array and no of element System.out.println( "Size of array: " + da.size); System.out.println( "No of elements in array: " + da.count); // add an element at index 1 da.addAt( 1 , 22 ); // print Elements of array after adding an // element at index 1 System.out.println( "Elements of array after" + " add an element at index 1:" ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < da.size; i++) { System.out.print(da.array[i] + " " ); }System.out.println(); // print size of array and no of element System.out.println( "Size of array: " + da.size); System.out.println( "No of elements in array: " + da.count); // delete last element da.remove(); // print Elements of array after delete last // element System.out.println( "Elements of array after" + " delete last element:" ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < da.size; i++) { System.out.print(da.array[i] + " " ); }System.out.println(); // print size of array and no of element System.out.println( "Size of array: " + da.size); System.out.println( "No of elements in array: " + da.count); // delete element at index 1 da.removeAt( 1 ); // print Elements of array after delete // an element index 1 System.out.println( "Elements of array after" + " delete element at index 1:" ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < da.size; i++) { System.out.print(da.array[i] + " " ); } System.out.println(); // print size of array and no of element System.out.println( "Size of array: " + da.size); System.out.println( "No of elements in array: " + da.count); } }

// C# program deals with all operation // of dynamic array add, remove, resize // memory of array is the main feature using System; public class DynamicArray {// create three variable array[] is // a array, count will deal with no // of element add by you and // size will with size of array[] private int []array; private int count; private int size; // constructor initialize value to variable public DynamicArray() { array = new int [1]; count = 0; size = 1; }// function add an element at the end of array public void add( int data) {// check no of element is equql to size of array if (count == size) { growSize(); // make array size double } // insert element at end of array array[count] = data; count++; }// function makes size double of array public void growSize() {int []temp = null ; if (count == size) {// temp is a double size array of array // and store array elements temp = new int [size * 2]; { for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // copy all array value into temp temp[i] = array[i]; } } }// double size array temp initialize // into variable array again array = temp; // and make size is double also of array size = size * 2; }// function shrink size of array // which block unnecessary remove them public void shrinkSize() { int []temp = null ; if (count > 0) {// temp is a count size array // and store array elements temp = new int [count]; for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++) {// copy all array value into temp temp[i] = array[i]; }size = count; // count size array temp initialize // into variable array again array = temp; } }// function add an element at given index public void addAt( int index, int data) { // if size is not enough make size double if (count == size) { growSize(); }for ( int i = count - 1; i > = index; i--) {// shift all element right // from given index array[i + 1] = array[i]; }// insert data at given index array[index] = data; count++; }// function remove last element or put // zero at last index public void remove() { if (count > 0) { array[count - 1] = 0; count--; } }// function shift all element of right // side from given index in left public void removeAt( int index) { if (count > 0) { for ( int i = index; i < count - 1; i++) {// shift all element of right // side from given index in left array[i] = array[i + 1]; } array[count - 1] = 0; count--; } }// Driver code public static void Main() { DynamicArray da = new DynamicArray(); // add 9 elements in array da.add(1); da.add(2); da.add(3); da.add(4); da.add(5); da.add(6); da.add(7); da.add(8); da.add(9); // print all array elements after add 9 elements Console.WriteLine( "Elements of array:" ); for ( int i = 0; i < da.size; i++) { Console.Write(da.array[i] + " " ); }Console.WriteLine(); // print size of array and no of element Console.WriteLine( "Size of array: " + da.size); Console.WriteLine( "No of elements in array: " + da.count); // shrinkSize of array da.shrinkSize(); // print all array elements Console.WriteLine( "Elements of array " + "after shrinkSize of array:" ); for ( int i = 0; i < da.size; i++) { Console.Write(da.array[i] + " " ); } Console.WriteLine(); // print size of array and no of element Console.WriteLine( "Size of array: " + da.size); Console.WriteLine( "No of elements in array: " + da.count); // add an element at index 1 da.addAt(1, 22); // print Elements of array after adding an // element at index 1 Console.WriteLine( "Elements of array after" + " add an element at index 1:" ); for ( int i = 0; i < da.size; i++) { Console.Write(da.array[i] + " " ); }Console.WriteLine(); // print size of array and no of element Console.WriteLine( "Size of array: " + da.size); Console.WriteLine( "No of elements in array: " + da.count); // delete last element da.remove(); // print Elements of array after delete last // element Console.WriteLine( "Elements of array after" + " delete last element:" ); for ( int i = 0; i < da.size; i++) { Console.Write(da.array[i] + " " ); }Console.WriteLine(); // print size of array and no of element Console.WriteLine( "Size of array: " + da.size); Console.WriteLine( "No of elements in array: " + da.count); // delete element at index 1 da.removeAt(1); // print Elements of array after delete // an element index 1 Console.WriteLine( "Elements of array after" + " delete element at index 1:" ); for ( int i = 0; i < da.size; i++) { Console.Write(da.array[i] + " " ); } Console.WriteLine(); // print size of array and no of element Console.WriteLine( "Size of array: " + da.size); Console.WriteLine( "No of elements in array: " + da.count); } }/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */

Elements of array:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Size of array: 16No of elements in array: 9Elements of array after shrinkSize of array:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Size of array: 9No of elements in array: 9Elements of array after add an element at index 1:1 22 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Size of array: 18No of elements in array: 10Elements of array after delete last element:1 22 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Size of array: 18No of elements in array: 9Elements of array after delete element at index 1:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Size of array: 18No of elements in array: 8
