Thread 1 signal SIGABRTis a common issue happened while you are trying to run your project via simulator.Here these short passages meant to show you how to fix it.For people are able to access Youtube, please directly watch the video in the reference.If you can't access Youtube, then please read the texts.
Generally, the cause to this problem is that you have a component(or several) on your storyboard that linked to an outlet, but the corresponding definition code is missing.To those who are familiar with Java, it is somewhat alike to a "NullPointerException", which means something references other thing that does not exist.
For example, to regenerate this problem, you can create a new project.Drag a label to your main storyboard.Hold ctrl + left key and drag to create a property.Now select the label you just added and take a look at the "Referencing Outlets", which is at "Connection Inspector" of "Utility Panel" under the view tab, you will see a connection that you just created.Here is a catch, if you delete the property of the label and hit run button, theThread 1 signal SIGABRT will appear.
To fix that, you simply need to manually delete the connection in Connection Inspector.
This problem could come in various causes.In my case, I copy-paste a label from a view scene to another.The label somehow gets two referencing outlet connections.Only one of them has been defined.Therefore,Thread 1 signal SIGABRT problem has been triggered.Unfortunately it seems do not have a easy way to iterate through all components that potentially has problem and fix it quickly.Developers have to manually screen them one by one.
【iOS|iOS, xcode, "Thread 1 signal sigabrt"】ref:
- 极客日报|极客日报(爆字节跳动日均进账10.07亿元;iPhone 13粉屏上热搜;英特尔跌落神坛,CEO回应:是我们骄傲自大了)
- 资讯|库克不愿量产、每年投 10 亿,已耗时 8 年的苹果汽车何时能面世()
- others|【问题排查与解决】ios调起微信小程序支付失败
- Android开发|Flutter 小技巧之 ListView 和 PageView 的各种花式嵌套
- Flutter|Flutter使用小技巧三(持续更新)
- Android开发|Flutter 小技巧之 MediaQuery 和 build 优化你不知道的秘密
- 微信小程序|微信小程序项目实例——图片处理小工具(自制低配版美图秀秀)
- 历史上的今天|【历史上的今天】6 月 19 日(iPhone 3GS 上市;帕斯卡诞生;《反恐精英》开始测试)
- IOS常见问题|iphone屏幕参数iphone3GS~Iphone6 plus