一周一篇英文日记-01-|一周一篇英文日记-01-, 我的英语口语学习之路

一周一篇英文日记-01-|一周一篇英文日记-01-, 我的英语口语学习之路
图片发自App I was thinking about how to improve my English. I burst into the idea to keep one journal per week.
Why do I get this idea?
Because nowadays the more I am speaking English, the less I am feeling I am lack of English words so much. But if you think learning spoken English is all about a matter of memorizing more words, I would say it is totally wrong.

Here in my case, the first most useful thing is &try to memorise much more phrases and sentences as possible as you can&. The second most useful thing is &try to blurt out in your daily life as possible as you can&.
I'm so sad with the fact people surrounding me are all Chinese. I don't have to blurt out Chinese every day to handle trifles. It's boring and meaningless if I keep talking Chinese like before. So why not blurt out English for a change? Yeah! And I am sure it'll be a nice change.
I have to confess to keep a diary is my second step. My second step is to spare at least one day in a week to speak total English with my colleagues or my friends,anyway, people around me.
【一周一篇英文日记-01-|一周一篇英文日记-01-, 我的英语口语学习之路】So don't hesitate. Let's get started from now on.
-The End-
-Wendy Zhang
