数据结构|课程设计(飞机订票系统) 超全

图书馆管理系统(附源码及操作视频动图演示) 搭建思路图:
数据结构|课程设计(飞机订票系统) 超全

成员框架搭建: 用户进入操作界面,选择添加机票信息,包括(飞机航班号,出发地,目的地,起飞时间,降落时间,飞机票价,当日折扣,机票总数)
数据结构|课程设计(飞机订票系统) 超全

#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include #include #include #include #includestruct AirPlane { char acFlight[10]; //航班号 char acOrigin[10]; //出发地 char acDest[10]; //目的地 char acTakeOffTime[10]; //起飞时间 char acReverveTime[10]; //降落时间 float fPrice; //票价 char acDiscount[4]; //折扣 int iNum; //票数 }; struct Man { char acName[20]; //姓名 char acID[20]; //身份证号 char acSex[10]; //性别 int iBookNum; //购票数量 char acBookFilight[10]; //订购的航班号 }; //定义机票信息结点的结构体 typedef struct PlaneNode { struct AirPlane data; struct PlaneNode* next; }PlaneNode, * PLNode; //定义订票人信息结点的结构体 typedef struct ManNode { struct Man data; struct ManNode* next; }ManNode, * MANNode; int iSave = 0; //作为数据是否改动的标志

void Menu() { puts("***********************************************************"); puts("****** Welcome to the airplane tickets booking system *****"); puts("-----------------------------------------------------------"); puts("******Choose the following operations(0-9)*****"); puts("-----------------------------------------------------------"); puts("**1.Insert fligths2.Search fligths**"); puts("**3.Book fligths4.Modify fligths**"); puts("**5.Show fligths6.Recommed fligths**"); puts("**7.Refund fligths8.NowTime fligths**"); puts("**9.Save Messages0.Exist**"); puts("-----------------------------------------------------------"); } int main() { PlaneNode pstPlaneNodeHead; //机票信息头结点 pstPlaneNodeHead.next = NULL; ManNode pstManNodeHead; //订票人头结点 pstManNodeHead.next = NULL; int res; res = Init(&pstPlaneNodeHead, &pstManNodeHead); //将文件的数据加载到内存中 if (res < 0) { return 0; } int iSel; //用于接收用户对于功能的选择 char c1; //是否保存 while(1) { system("cls"); Menu(); printf("Input 0-9 operations:"); scanf("%d", &iSel); getchar(); system("cls"); switch(iSel) { case 1: //Insert(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //添加机票信息 break; case 2: //Search(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //查询机票信息 break; case 3: //Book(&pstManNodeHead, &pstPlaneNodeHead); //预定机票系统 break; case 4: //Modify(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //修改机票信息 break; case 5: //Show(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //显示所有机票信息 break; case 6: //Recommed(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //推荐机票信息 break; case 7: //Refund(&pstManNodeHead, &pstPlaneNodeHead); //退票操作 break; case 8: //NowTime(); //显示当前时间 break; case 9: //SaveMan(&pstManNodeHead); //保存订票人信息 //SavePlane(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //保存机票信息 case 0: if (iSave == 1) { printf("Do you want to save message (y/n)"); scanf("%c", &c1); getchar(); if (c1 == 'y' || c1 == 'Y') { //SaveMan(&pstManNodeHead); //保存订票人的信息 //SavePlane(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //保存机票信息 } } //Destroy(pstManNodeHead,pstPlaneNodeHead); return 0; } printf("please press any key continue..."); _getch(); } //Destroy(pstManNodeHead,pstPlaneNodeHead); return 0; }

数据结构|课程设计(飞机订票系统) 超全

函数实现: 一.添加机票信息 将添加的机票信息文件写入内存中,之后的每次操作都在内存中进行
int Init(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead, MANNode pstManNodeHead)//将文件的数据加载到内存中 { //先加载飞机机票信息 FILE* pfplane; //定义飞机机票文件指针 PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeTemp, * pstPlaneNodeCur; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead; pstPlaneNodeTemp = NULL; pfplane = fopen("plane.txt", "ab+"); if (pfplane == NULL) { printf("Can't open plane.txt!\n"); return -1; } else { //把文件数据读入链表中 while (!feof(pfplane)) { pstPlaneNodeTemp = (PlaneNode*)malloc(sizeof(PlaneNode)); //申请临时结点 if (fread(pstPlaneNodeTemp, sizeof(PlaneNode), 1, pfplane) == 1) { pstPlaneNodeTemp->next = NULL; pstPlaneNodeCur->next = pstPlaneNodeTemp; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeTemp; } } free(pstPlaneNodeTemp); fclose(pfplane); } //2.再加载订票人信息 FILE* pfman; //定义文件指针 ManNode* pstManNodeTemp, * pstManNodeCur; pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeHead; pstManNodeTemp = NULL; pfman = fopen("man.txt", "ab+"); if (pfman == NULL) { printf("Can't open man.txt!\n"); return -1; } else { //把文件数据读入链表中 while (!feof(pfman)) { pstManNodeTemp = (ManNode*)malloc(sizeof(ManNode)); //申请临时结点 if (fread(pstManNodeTemp, sizeof(ManNode), 1, pfman) == 1) { pstManNodeTemp->next = NULL; pstManNodeCur->next = pstManNodeTemp; pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeTemp; } } free(pstManNodeTemp); fclose(pfman); } return 0; } void Insert(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//添加机票信息 { PlaneNode* pstHead, * pstTail, * pstCur, * pstNew; char acFlight[10]; //保存航班号 pstHead = pstTail = pstPlaneNodeHead; //找尾巴 //让pstTail指向最后一个结点 while (pstTail->next != NULL) { pstTail = pstTail->next; } while (1) { printf("Input the new flight number(-1 to end):"); scanf("%s", acFlight); getchar(); if (strcmp(acFlight, "-1") == 0) { break; } //判断航班号是否重复 pstCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; while (pstCur != NULL) { if (strcmp(pstCur->data.acFlight, acFlight) == 0) { printf("this flight %s exists!\n", acFlight); return; } pstCur = pstCur->next; } //如果航班号没有和现有纪录重复,则新建一个链表结点 pstNew = (PlaneNode*)malloc(sizeof(PlaneNode)); strcpy(pstNew->data.acFlight, acFlight); printf("Input the Start City:"); scanf("%s", pstNew->data.acOrigin); printf("Input the Dest City:"); scanf("%s", pstNew->data.acDest); printf("Input the Departure time (Format 00:00):"); scanf("%s", pstNew->data.acTakeOffTime); printf("Input the Arrival time (Format 00:00):"); scanf("%s", pstNew->data.acReverveTime); printf("Input the price of ticket:"); scanf("%f", &pstNew->data.fPrice); printf("Input the discount of ticket(Format 0.0):"); scanf("%s", pstNew->data.acDiscount); printf("Input the number of tickets:"); scanf("%d", &pstNew->data.iNum); pstNew->next = NULL; pstTail -> next = pstNew; pstTail = pstNew; iSave = 1; //有新的航班信息,保存标志为1 } }

二.查询机票信息 选择航班号查询,目的地,出发地查询,可自行添加其他查询
void Search(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//查询机票信息 { PlaneNode* pstPlaneNode; int Sel = 0; int count = 0; //计数器 char acFlight[10], acDes[10],acstart[10]; //航班号和目的地 pstPlaneNode = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; if (pstPlaneNode == NULL) { printf("is not have data"); return; } //按航班号查询 //按目的地查询 //按起始地查询 printf("Choose one way according to:\n1.flight number2.Dest3.Start\n"); scanf("%d", &Sel); if (Sel == 1) { //按航班号查询 printf("input the right flight number:"); scanf("%s", acFlight); PrintfHead(); //机票信息头部打印 while (pstPlaneNode != NULL) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNode->data.acFlight, acFlight) == 0) { PrintData(pstPlaneNode); break; //航班号唯一 } else { pstPlaneNode = pstPlaneNode->next; } } //遍历结束,没有break,则没有用户记录 if (pstPlaneNode == NULL) { printf("Sorry,no record!\n"); return; } } else if (Sel == 2) { //按目的地查询 printf("input the right Dest:"); scanf("%s", acDes); PrintfHead(); //机票信息头部打印 while (pstPlaneNode != NULL) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNode->data.acDest, acDes) == 0) { PrintData(pstPlaneNode); count++; } pstPlaneNode = pstPlaneNode->next; } //遍历结束,计数器为0,则没有记录 if (count ==0) { printf("Sorry,no record!\n"); return; } } else if (Sel == 3) { //按起始地查询 printf("input the right Start:"); scanf("%s", acstart); PrintfHead(); //机票信息头部打印 while (pstPlaneNode != NULL) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNode->data.acOrigin, acstart) == 0) { PrintData(pstPlaneNode); count++; } pstPlaneNode = pstPlaneNode->next; } //遍历结束,计数器为0,则没有记录 if (count == 0) { printf("Sorry,no record!\n"); return; } } else { printf("Sorry,please input right number 1-3:\n"); return; } }

三.订票操作 思路:输入起始地和目的地,显示是否有票若有,多条航班(存入数据到结构体中)订票:输入订票人信息
void Book(MANNode pstManNodeHead, PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//订票 { //思路:输入起始地和目的地,显示是否有票若有,多条航班(存入数据到结构体中) //订票:输入订票人信息 //订票:选择航班号 PlaneNode * pstPlaneNodeCur,*astPlane[10]; //保存数据临时结构体数组 ManNode* pstManNodeCur,*pstManNodeTemp=NULL; char acOrigin[10], acDest[10], acID[20], acName[20], acSex[10], acDescision[2], acFlight[10]; int iNum = 0, Record = 0, k = 0, flg = 0; //接受订票人信息头指针 pstManNodeCur=pstManNodeHead; while (pstManNodeCur->next != NULL) { pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeCur->next; }//将订票人结构体指向尾巴 //输入起始地和目的地 printf("input the start city:"); scanf("%s",acOrigin); printf("input the Dest city:"); scanf("%s",acDest); //查找起始地和目的地,存入临时结构体数组中 pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; while (pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acOrigin,acOrigin) == 0&&strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acDest,acDest) == 0) { astPlane[Record++] = pstPlaneNodeCur; } pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->next; } //打印数据 printf("there are %d flights you can choose!\n",Record); PrintfHead(); for (k = 0; k < Record; k++) { PrintData(astPlane[k]); } if (Record == 0) { printf("Sorry,no flights you can book\*/\n"); } //订票 else { printf("do you want to book it?(y(Y))/n(N))\n"); scanf("%s", acDescision); getchar(); if (strcmp(acDescision, "y") == 0 || strcmp(acDescision, "Y") == 0) { printf("input your information!\n"); pstManNodeTemp = (ManNode*)malloc(sizeof(ManNode)); printf("input your name:"); scanf("%s", acName); strcpy(pstManNodeTemp->data.acName, acName); printf("input your id:"); scanf("%s", acID); strcpy(pstManNodeTemp->data.acID, acID); printf("input your sex(M/W):"); scanf("%s", acSex); strcpy(pstManNodeTemp->data.acSex, acSex); printf("input your want to book flight number:"); scanf("%s", acFlight); strcpy(pstManNodeTemp->data.acBookFilight,acFlight); for (k = 0; k < Record; k++) { if (strcmp(astPlane[k]->data.acFlight, acFlight) == 0) { if (astPlane[k]->data.iNum < 1) { printf("no ticket!"); return; } printf("remain%dtickets!\n", astPlane[k]->data.iNum); flg = 1; break; } } if (flg == 0) { printf("error\n"); return; }printf("Input the booknumber:"); scanf("%d", &iNum); //订购几张票 astPlane[k]->data.iNum = astPlane[k]->data.iNum - iNum; pstManNodeTemp->data.iBookNum = iNum; pstManNodeCur->next = pstManNodeTemp; pstManNodeTemp->next = NULL; pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeTemp; //可以不要 printf("success!\n"); iSave = 1; } } }

四.修改机票信息 为了方便,此处我并未创建新的子菜单,想要更加美观可以自行创建各个函数的子菜单页面
void Modify(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//修改机票信息 { PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeCur; char acFlight[10]; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; if (pstPlaneNodeCur == NULL) { printf("no flight to be modify!"); return; } else { printf("Input the flight number you want to modify!:"); scanf("%s", acFlight); while (pstPlaneNodeCur) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acFlight, acFlight) == 0) { break; } else { pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->next; } } if (pstPlaneNodeCur) { printf("input the new start city:"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acOrigin); printf("input the new arrval city:"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acDest); printf("input the new dicount:"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acDiscount); printf("input the new acTakeOffTime:"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acTakeOffTime); printf("input the new acReverveTime:"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acReverveTime); printf("input the new fPrice:"); scanf("%f", &pstPlaneNodeCur->data.fPrice); printf("input the new iNum:"); scanf("%d", &pstPlaneNodeCur->data.iNum); printf("modify successful!\n"); iSave = 1; //此处可以封装一个函数,让这块代码不这么冗杂} } }

void PrintfHead()//打印机票头部信息 { printf("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n"); printf("|***********************************************************************|******|\n"); printf("|Flight|StartCity|DseCity|DepertureTime|ArrivalTime|***price***|Discount|number|\n"); printf("|******|*********|*******|*************|***********|***********|********|******|\n"); printf("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n"); } void PrintData(PLNode pstPlaneNodeCur) { PlaneNode* pst = pstPlaneNodeCur; printf(" %3s%8s%8s%12s%12s%16f%7s%8d\n", pst->data.acFlight, pst->data.acOrigin, pst->data.acDest, pst->data.acTakeOffTime, pst->data.acReverveTime, pst->data.fPrice, pst->data.acDiscount, pst->data.iNum); } void Show(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//显示所有机票信息 { PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; PrintfHead(); if (pstPlaneNodeHead->next == NULL) { printf("no flight ticket!\n"); } else { while (pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL) { PrintData(pstPlaneNodeCur); pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->next; } } }

六.推荐机票信息 根据用户输入的出发地,目的地以及用户可以乘坐最早的时间(系统会给出这个时间后所有符合信息的机票信息)
void Recommed(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//推荐机票信息 { PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeCur; char acDest[10], acTime[10],acOrigin[10]; int iNum=0; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; printf("input your take city:"); scanf("%s", acOrigin); printf("input your destination city:"); scanf("%s", acDest); printf("input the earlist time you can take:"); scanf("%s", acTime); PrintfHead(); while (pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acOrigin, acOrigin) == 0 && strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acDest, acDest) == 0&& strcmp(acTime, pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acTakeOffTime) < 0) { PrintData(pstPlaneNodeCur); iNum++; } pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->next; } printf("there are %d flights you can choose!\n", iNum); if (iNum != 0) { printf("please choose 3rd operation to book it!\n"); } }

七.退票操作 输入订票人身份证号,显示相应的订票信息,选择退票
//找到id号相同的订票人记录,返回订票人节点 MANNode FindMan(MANNode pstManNodeHead, char acID[20]) { ManNode* pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeHead->next; while (pstManNodeCur) { if (strcmp(pstManNodeCur->data.acID, acID) == 0) { return pstManNodeCur; } pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeCur->next; } return NULL; } //找到订票人信息中的航班号记录,找到相应机票信息节点 PLNode FindPlane(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead, char* acBookFlight) { PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; while (pstPlaneNodeCur) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acFlight, acBookFlight) == 0) { return pstPlaneNodeCur; } pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->next; } return NULL; } void Refund(MANNode pstManNodeHead, PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//退票 { ManNode* pstManNodeCur, * pstManNodeFind = NULL; PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeFind = NULL; char acID[20],acdescison[2]; int iNum; //剩余票数 int iBooknum; //定了几个票 printf("input your id number :"); scanf("%s", acID); //找到订票人的结构体 pstManNodeFind = FindMan(pstManNodeHead, acID); if (pstManNodeFind == NULL) { printf("can't find!\n"); } else//退票 { printf("this is your tickets:\n"); printf("id number is :%s\n", pstManNodeFind->data.acID); printf("name is :%s\n", pstManNodeFind->data.acName); printf("sex is :%s\n", pstManNodeFind->data.acSex); printf("book flights :%s\n", pstManNodeFind->data.acBookFilight); printf("book number :%d\n", pstManNodeFind->data.iBookNum); printf("if you want to cancel it (y/n)?: "); scanf("%s", acdescison); if (strcmp(acdescison, "y") == 0 || strcmp(acdescison, "Y") == 0) { //找到前驱 pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeHead; while (pstManNodeCur->next != pstManNodeFind) { pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeCur->next; }//找到该订票人对应航班记录 pstPlaneNodeFind =FindPlane(pstPlaneNodeHead, pstManNodeFind->data.acBookFilight); //退票 if (pstPlaneNodeFind != NULL) { iNum = pstPlaneNodeFind->data.iNum; //机票剩余票数 iBooknum = pstManNodeFind->data.iBookNum; //订购人定票数 pstPlaneNodeFind->data.iNum = iNum + iBooknum; } //删除订票人节点 pstManNodeCur->next = pstManNodeFind->next; free(pstManNodeFind); printf("successful refund!\n"); iSave = 1; } } }

void NowTime()//显示当前时间 { time_t It; It = time(NULL); printf("现在的时间是:%s ", ctime(&It)); }

九.保存机票信息,订票人信息 如果没有在操作界面选择保存信息,在退出系统时,主函数调用该函数,问用户是否选择保存刚刚录入内存的信息
void SaveMan(MANNode pstManNodeHead)//保存订票人信息 { FILE* pfMan; ManNode* pstManNodeCur; int count = 0; //保存多少条信息 int iflg = 1; //是否写入信息 pfMan = fopen("man.txt", "wb"); if (pfMan == NULL) { printf("the file can't be opened!"); return; } pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeHead->next; while (pstManNodeCur != NULL) { if (fwrite(pstManNodeCur, sizeof(ManNode), 1, pfMan) == 1) { pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeCur->next; count++; } else { iflg = 0; break; } } fclose(pfMan); } void SavePlane(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//保存机票信息 { FILE* pfPlane; //机票文件信息 PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeCur; int count = 0; //保存多少条信息 int iflg = 1; //是否写入信息 pfPlane = fopen("plane.txt", "wb"); if (pfPlane == NULL) { printf("the file can't be opened!"); return; } pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; while (pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL) { if (fwrite(pstPlaneNodeCur,sizeof(PlaneNode) ,1, pfPlane)==1) { pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->next; count++; } else { iflg = 0; break; } } if (iflg) { printf("you have save %d flights", count); iSave = 0; } fclose(pfPlane); }

数据结构|课程设计(飞机订票系统) 超全
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include #include #include #include #includestruct AirPlane { char acFlight[10]; //航班号 char acOrigin[10]; //出发地 char acDest[10]; //目的地 char acTakeOffTime[10]; //起飞时间 char acReverveTime[10]; //降落时间 float fPrice; //票价 char acDiscount[4]; //折扣 int iNum; //票数 }; struct Man { char acName[20]; //姓名 char acID[20]; //身份证号 char acSex[10]; //性别 int iBookNum; //购票数量 char acBookFilight[10]; //订购的航班号 }; //定义机票信息结点的结构体 typedef struct PlaneNode { struct AirPlane data; struct PlaneNode* next; }PlaneNode, * PLNode; //定义订票人信息结点的结构体 typedef struct ManNode { struct Man data; struct ManNode* next; }ManNode, * MANNode; int iSave = 0; //作为数据是否改动的标志int Init(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead, MANNode pstManNodeHead)//将文件的数据加载到内存中 { //先加载飞机机票信息 FILE* pfplane; //定义飞机机票文件指针 PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeTemp, * pstPlaneNodeCur; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead; pstPlaneNodeTemp = NULL; pfplane = fopen("plane.txt", "ab+"); if (pfplane == NULL) { printf("Can't open plane.txt!\n"); return -1; } else { //把文件数据读入链表中 while (!feof(pfplane)) { pstPlaneNodeTemp = (PlaneNode*)malloc(sizeof(PlaneNode)); //申请临时结点 if (fread(pstPlaneNodeTemp, sizeof(PlaneNode), 1, pfplane) == 1) { pstPlaneNodeTemp->next = NULL; pstPlaneNodeCur->next = pstPlaneNodeTemp; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeTemp; } } free(pstPlaneNodeTemp); fclose(pfplane); } //2.再加载订票人信息 FILE* pfman; //定义文件指针 ManNode* pstManNodeTemp, * pstManNodeCur; pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeHead; pstManNodeTemp = NULL; pfman = fopen("man.txt", "ab+"); if (pfman == NULL) { printf("Can't open man.txt!\n"); return -1; } else { //把文件数据读入链表中 while (!feof(pfman)) { pstManNodeTemp = (ManNode*)malloc(sizeof(ManNode)); //申请临时结点 if (fread(pstManNodeTemp, sizeof(ManNode), 1, pfman) == 1) { pstManNodeTemp->next = NULL; pstManNodeCur->next = pstManNodeTemp; pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeTemp; } } free(pstManNodeTemp); fclose(pfman); } return 0; } void Insert(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//添加机票信息 { PlaneNode* pstHead, * pstTail, * pstCur, * pstNew; char acFlight[10]; //保存航班号 pstHead = pstTail = pstPlaneNodeHead; //找尾巴 //让pstTail指向最后一个结点 while (pstTail->next != NULL) { pstTail = pstTail->next; } while (1) { printf("Input the new flight number(-1 to end):"); scanf("%s", acFlight); getchar(); if (strcmp(acFlight, "-1") == 0) { break; } //判断航班号是否重复 pstCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; while (pstCur != NULL) { if (strcmp(pstCur->data.acFlight, acFlight) == 0) { printf("this flight %s exists!\n", acFlight); return; } pstCur = pstCur->next; } //如果航班号没有和现有纪录重复,则新建一个链表结点 pstNew = (PlaneNode*)malloc(sizeof(PlaneNode)); strcpy(pstNew->data.acFlight, acFlight); printf("Input the Start City:"); scanf("%s", pstNew->data.acOrigin); printf("Input the Dest City:"); scanf("%s", pstNew->data.acDest); printf("Input the Departure time (Format 00:00):"); scanf("%s", pstNew->data.acTakeOffTime); printf("Input the Arrival time (Format 00:00):"); scanf("%s", pstNew->data.acReverveTime); printf("Input the price of ticket:"); scanf("%f", &pstNew->data.fPrice); printf("Input the discount of ticket(Format 0.0):"); scanf("%s", pstNew->data.acDiscount); printf("Input the number of tickets:"); scanf("%d", &pstNew->data.iNum); pstNew->next = NULL; pstTail -> next = pstNew; pstTail = pstNew; iSave = 1; //有新的航班信息,保存标志为1 } } void Menu() { puts("***********************************************************"); puts("****** Welcome to the airplane tickets booking system *****"); puts("-----------------------------------------------------------"); puts("******Choose the following operations(0-9)*****"); puts("-----------------------------------------------------------"); puts("**1.Insert fligths2.Search fligths**"); puts("**3.Book fligths4.Modify fligths**"); puts("**5.Show fligths6.Recommed fligths**"); puts("**7.Refund fligths8.NowTime fligths**"); puts("**9.Save Messages0.Exist**"); puts("-----------------------------------------------------------"); } void SaveMan(MANNode pstManNodeHead)//保存订票人信息 { FILE* pfMan; ManNode* pstManNodeCur; int count = 0; //保存多少条信息 int iflg = 1; //是否写入信息 pfMan = fopen("man.txt", "wb"); if (pfMan == NULL) { printf("the file can't be opened!"); return; } pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeHead->next; while (pstManNodeCur != NULL) { if (fwrite(pstManNodeCur, sizeof(ManNode), 1, pfMan) == 1) { pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeCur->next; count++; } else { iflg = 0; break; } } fclose(pfMan); } void SavePlane(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//保存机票信息 { FILE* pfPlane; //机票文件信息 PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeCur; int count = 0; //保存多少条信息 int iflg = 1; //是否写入信息 pfPlane = fopen("plane.txt", "wb"); if (pfPlane == NULL) { printf("the file can't be opened!"); return; } pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; while (pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL) { if (fwrite(pstPlaneNodeCur,sizeof(PlaneNode) ,1, pfPlane)==1) { pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->next; count++; } else { iflg = 0; break; } } if (iflg) { printf("you have save %d flights", count); iSave = 0; } fclose(pfPlane); } void PrintfHead() { printf("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n"); printf("|***********************************************************************|******|\n"); printf("|Flight|StartCity|DseCity|DepertureTime|ArrivalTime|***price***|Discount|number|\n"); printf("|******|*********|*******|*************|***********|***********|********|******|\n"); printf("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n"); } void PrintData(PLNode pstPlaneNodeCur) { PlaneNode* pst = pstPlaneNodeCur; printf(" %3s%8s%8s%12s%12s%16f%7s%8d\n", pst->data.acFlight, pst->data.acOrigin, pst->data.acDest, pst->data.acTakeOffTime, pst->data.acReverveTime, pst->data.fPrice, pst->data.acDiscount, pst->data.iNum); } void Show(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//显示所有机票信息 { PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; PrintfHead(); if (pstPlaneNodeHead->next == NULL) { printf("no flight ticket!\n"); } else { while (pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL) { PrintData(pstPlaneNodeCur); pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->next; } } } void Search(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//查询机票信息 { PlaneNode* pstPlaneNode; int Sel = 0; int count = 0; //计数器 char acFlight[10], acDes[10],acstart[10]; //航班号和目的地 pstPlaneNode = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; if (pstPlaneNode == NULL) { printf("is not have data"); return; } //按航班号查询 //按目的地查询 //按起始地查询 printf("Choose one way according to:\n1.flight number2.Dest3.Start\n"); scanf("%d", &Sel); if (Sel == 1) { //按航班号查询 printf("input the right flight number:"); scanf("%s", acFlight); PrintfHead(); //机票信息头部打印 while (pstPlaneNode != NULL) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNode->data.acFlight, acFlight) == 0) { PrintData(pstPlaneNode); break; //航班号唯一 } else { pstPlaneNode = pstPlaneNode->next; } } //遍历结束,没有break,则没有用户记录 if (pstPlaneNode == NULL) { printf("Sorry,no record!\n"); return; } } else if (Sel == 2) { //按目的地查询 printf("input the right Dest:"); scanf("%s", acDes); PrintfHead(); //机票信息头部打印 while (pstPlaneNode != NULL) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNode->data.acDest, acDes) == 0) { PrintData(pstPlaneNode); count++; } pstPlaneNode = pstPlaneNode->next; } //遍历结束,计数器为0,则没有记录 if (count ==0) { printf("Sorry,no record!\n"); return; } } else if (Sel == 3) { //按起始地查询 printf("input the right Start:"); scanf("%s", acstart); PrintfHead(); //机票信息头部打印 while (pstPlaneNode != NULL) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNode->data.acOrigin, acstart) == 0) { PrintData(pstPlaneNode); count++; } pstPlaneNode = pstPlaneNode->next; } //遍历结束,计数器为0,则没有记录 if (count == 0) { printf("Sorry,no record!\n"); return; } } else { printf("Sorry,please input right number 1-3:\n"); return; } }void Book(MANNode pstManNodeHead, PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//订票 { //思路:输入起始地和目的地,显示是否有票若有,多条航班(存入数据到结构体中) //订票:输入订票人信息 //订票:选择航班号 PlaneNode * pstPlaneNodeCur,*astPlane[10]; //保存数据临时结构体数组 ManNode* pstManNodeCur,*pstManNodeTemp=NULL; char acOrigin[10], acDest[10], acID[20], acName[20], acSex[10], acDescision[2], acFlight[10]; int iNum = 0, Record = 0, k = 0, flg = 0; //接受订票人信息头指针 pstManNodeCur=pstManNodeHead; while (pstManNodeCur->next != NULL) { pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeCur->next; }//将订票人结构体指向尾巴 //输入起始地和目的地 printf("input the start city:"); scanf("%s",acOrigin); printf("input the Dest city:"); scanf("%s",acDest); //查找起始地和目的地,存入临时结构体数组中 pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; while (pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acOrigin,acOrigin) == 0&&strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acDest,acDest) == 0) { astPlane[Record++] = pstPlaneNodeCur; } pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->next; } //打印数据 printf("there are %d flights you can choose!\n",Record); PrintfHead(); for (k = 0; k < Record; k++) { PrintData(astPlane[k]); } if (Record == 0) { printf("Sorry,no flights you can book\*/\n"); } //订票 else { printf("do you want to book it?(y(Y))/n(N))\n"); scanf("%s", acDescision); getchar(); if (strcmp(acDescision, "y") == 0 || strcmp(acDescision, "Y") == 0) { printf("input your information!\n"); pstManNodeTemp = (ManNode*)malloc(sizeof(ManNode)); printf("input your name:"); scanf("%s", acName); strcpy(pstManNodeTemp->data.acName, acName); printf("input your id:"); scanf("%s", acID); strcpy(pstManNodeTemp->data.acID, acID); printf("input your sex(M/W):"); scanf("%s", acSex); strcpy(pstManNodeTemp->data.acSex, acSex); printf("input your want to book flight number:"); scanf("%s", acFlight); strcpy(pstManNodeTemp->data.acBookFilight,acFlight); for (k = 0; k < Record; k++) { if (strcmp(astPlane[k]->data.acFlight, acFlight) == 0) { if (astPlane[k]->data.iNum < 1) { printf("no ticket!"); return; } printf("remain%dtickets!\n", astPlane[k]->data.iNum); flg = 1; break; } } if (flg == 0) { printf("error\n"); return; }printf("Input the booknumber:"); scanf("%d", &iNum); //订购几张票 astPlane[k]->data.iNum = astPlane[k]->data.iNum - iNum; pstManNodeTemp->data.iBookNum = iNum; pstManNodeCur->next = pstManNodeTemp; pstManNodeTemp->next = NULL; pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeTemp; //可以不要 printf("success!\n"); iSave = 1; } } } void Modify(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//修改机票信息 { PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeCur; char acFlight[10]; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; if (pstPlaneNodeCur == NULL) { printf("no flight to be modify!"); return; } else { printf("Input the flight number you want to modify!:"); scanf("%s", acFlight); while (pstPlaneNodeCur) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acFlight, acFlight) == 0) { break; } else { pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->next; } } if (pstPlaneNodeCur) { printf("input the new start city:"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acOrigin); printf("input the new arrval city:"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acDest); printf("input the new dicount:"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acDiscount); printf("input the new acTakeOffTime:"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acTakeOffTime); printf("input the new acReverveTime:"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acReverveTime); printf("input the new fPrice:"); scanf("%f", &pstPlaneNodeCur->data.fPrice); printf("input the new iNum:"); scanf("%d", &pstPlaneNodeCur->data.iNum); printf("modify successful!\n"); iSave = 1; } } } void Recommed(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//推荐机票信息 { PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeCur; char acDest[10], acTime[10],acOrigin[10]; int iNum=0; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; printf("input your take city:"); scanf("%s", acOrigin); printf("input your destination city:"); scanf("%s", acDest); printf("input the earlist time you can take:"); scanf("%s", acTime); PrintfHead(); while (pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acOrigin, acOrigin) == 0 && strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acDest, acDest) == 0&& strcmp(acTime, pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acTakeOffTime) < 0) { PrintData(pstPlaneNodeCur); iNum++; } pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->next; } printf("there are %d flights you can choose!\n", iNum); if (iNum != 0) { printf("please choose 3rd operation to book it!\n"); } } //找到id号相同的订票人记录,返回订票人节点 MANNode FindMan(MANNode pstManNodeHead, char acID[20]) { ManNode* pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeHead->next; while (pstManNodeCur) { if (strcmp(pstManNodeCur->data.acID, acID) == 0) { return pstManNodeCur; } pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeCur->next; } return NULL; } //找到订票人信息中的航班号记录,找到相应机票信息节点 PLNode FindPlane(PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead, char* acBookFlight) { PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->next; while (pstPlaneNodeCur) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->data.acFlight, acBookFlight) == 0) { return pstPlaneNodeCur; } pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->next; } return NULL; } void Refund(MANNode pstManNodeHead, PLNode pstPlaneNodeHead)//退票 { ManNode* pstManNodeCur, * pstManNodeFind = NULL; PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeFind = NULL; char acID[20],acdescison[2]; int iNum; //剩余票数 int iBooknum; //定了几个票 printf("input your id number :"); scanf("%s", acID); //找到订票人的结构体 pstManNodeFind = FindMan(pstManNodeHead, acID); if (pstManNodeFind == NULL) { printf("can't find!\n"); } else//退票 { printf("this is your tickets:\n"); printf("id number is :%s\n", pstManNodeFind->data.acID); printf("name is :%s\n", pstManNodeFind->data.acName); printf("sex is :%s\n", pstManNodeFind->data.acSex); printf("book flights :%s\n", pstManNodeFind->data.acBookFilight); printf("book number :%d\n", pstManNodeFind->data.iBookNum); printf("if you want to cancel it (y/n)?: "); scanf("%s", acdescison); if (strcmp(acdescison, "y") == 0 || strcmp(acdescison, "Y") == 0) { //找到前驱 pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeHead; while (pstManNodeCur->next != pstManNodeFind) { pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeCur->next; }//找到该订票人对应航班记录 pstPlaneNodeFind =FindPlane(pstPlaneNodeHead, pstManNodeFind->data.acBookFilight); //退票 if (pstPlaneNodeFind != NULL) { iNum = pstPlaneNodeFind->data.iNum; //机票剩余票数 iBooknum = pstManNodeFind->data.iBookNum; //订购人定票数 pstPlaneNodeFind->data.iNum = iNum + iBooknum; } //删除订票人节点 pstManNodeCur->next = pstManNodeFind->next; free(pstManNodeFind); printf("successful refund!\n"); iSave = 1; } } } void NowTime()//显示当前时间 { time_t It; It = time(NULL); printf("现在的时间是:%s ", ctime(&It)); } int main() { PlaneNode pstPlaneNodeHead; //机票信息头结点 pstPlaneNodeHead.next = NULL; ManNode pstManNodeHead; //订票人头结点 pstManNodeHead.next = NULL; int res; res = Init(&pstPlaneNodeHead, &pstManNodeHead); //将文件的数据加载到内存中 if (res < 0) { return 0; } int iSel; //用于接收用户对于功能的选择 char c1; //是否保存 while(1) { system("cls"); Menu(); printf("Input 0-9 operations:"); scanf("%d", &iSel); getchar(); system("cls"); switch(iSel) { case 1: Insert(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //添加机票信息 break; case 2: Search(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //查询机票信息 break; case 3: Book(&pstManNodeHead, &pstPlaneNodeHead); //预定机票系统 break; case 4: Modify(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //修改机票信息 break; case 5: Show(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //显示所有机票信息 break; case 6: Recommed(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //推荐机票信息 break; case 7: Refund(&pstManNodeHead, &pstPlaneNodeHead); //退票操作 break; case 8: NowTime(); //显示当前时间 break; case 9: SaveMan(&pstManNodeHead); //保存订票人信息 SavePlane(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //保存机票信息 case 0: if (iSave == 1) { printf("Do you want to save message (y/n)"); scanf("%c", &c1); getchar(); if (c1 == 'y' || c1 == 'Y') { SaveMan(&pstManNodeHead); //保存订票人的信息 SavePlane(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //保存机票信息 } } //Destroy(pstManNodeHead,pstPlaneNodeHead); return 0; } printf("please press any key continue..."); _getch(); } //Destroy(pstManNodeHead,pstPlaneNodeHead); return 0; }

动图操作演示 (视频过长压缩有限)

【数据结构|课程设计(飞机订票系统) 超全】
