#|HDLBits 系列(29)PS/2 mouse protocol(PS/2 packet parser and datapath)

序言 上篇博客:
HDLBits 系列(28)PS/2 mouse protocol(PS/2 packet parser)
只对PS/2 mouse protocol的数据流检测到了之后输出检测到了的标志done,但是没有输出检测数据,这一篇博客接着设计。
原题传送 Fsm ps2data

Now that you have a state machine that will identify three-byte messages in a PS/2 byte stream, add a datapath that will also output the 24-bit (3 byte) message whenever a packet is received (out_bytes[23:16] is the first byte, out_bytes[15:8] is the second byte, etc.).
【#|HDLBits 系列(29)PS/2 mouse protocol(PS/2 packet parser and datapath)】out_bytes needs to be valid whenever the done signal is asserted. You may output anything at other times (i.e., don't-care).
#|HDLBits 系列(29)PS/2 mouse protocol(PS/2 packet parser and datapath)

题目解释 有几个重点是:
我的设计 那就将输入数据和状态延迟一拍吧,在D2状态里面处理,我的设计如下:
module top_module( input clk, input [7:0] in, input reset,// Synchronous reset output [23:0] out_bytes, output done); //reg [1:0] state, next_state; localparam D1 = 0, D2 = 1, D3 = 2, DONE = 3; // State transition logic (combinational) always@(*) begin case(state) D1: begin if(in[3] == 1) next_state = D2; else next_state = D1; end D2: begin next_state = D3; end D3: begin next_state = DONE; end DONE: begin if(in[3] == 1) next_state = D2; else next_state = D1; end default: begin next_state = D1; end endcase endalways@(posedge clk) begin if(reset) state <= D1; else state <= next_state; end// New: Datapath to store incoming bytes. reg [7:0] in_r; reg [1:0] state_r; always@(posedge clk) begin if(reset) begin in_r <= 0; state_r <= D1; end else begin state_r <= state; in_r <= in; end endreg [23:0] out_bytes_mid; always@(*) begin case(state) D1: begin if(in[3] == 1) out_bytes_mid[23:16] = in; end D2: begin if(state_r == DONE && in_r[3] == 1) begin out_bytes_mid[15:8] = in; out_bytes_mid[23:16] = in_r; end else out_bytes_mid[15:8] = in; end D3: begin out_bytes_mid[7:0] = in; end DONE: begin ; end default: begin ; end endcase end assign out_bytes = (done == 1)? out_bytes_mid:'bx; assign done = (state == DONE)?1:0; endmodule

