#|HDLBits 系列(24)进入FSM(有限状态机)的世界入口

Fsm1 This is a Moore state machine with two states, one input, and one output. Implement this state machine. Notice that the reset state is B.
This exercise is the same as fsm1s, but using asynchronous reset.
#|HDLBits 系列(24)进入FSM(有限状态机)的世界入口

Module Declaration

module top_module( input clk, input areset,// Asynchronous reset to state B input in, output out);

module top_module( input clk, input areset,// Asynchronous reset to state B input in, output out); //parameter A=0, B=1; reg state, next_state; always @(posedge clk, posedge areset) begin// This is a sequential always block // State flip-flops with asynchronous reset if(areset) state <= B; else state <= next_state; endalways @(*) begin// This is a combinational always block // State transition logic case(state) B: begin if(in == 1) next_state = B; else next_state = A; end A: begin if(in == 1) next_state = A; else next_state = B; end endcase end// Output logic // assign out = (state == ...); assign out = (state == A)?0:1; endmodule

#|HDLBits 系列(24)进入FSM(有限状态机)的世界入口

Fsm1s This is a Moore state machine with two states, one input, and one output. Implement this state machine. Notice that the reset state is B.
This exercise is the same as fsm1, but using synchronous reset.
【#|HDLBits 系列(24)进入FSM(有限状态机)的世界入口】#|HDLBits 系列(24)进入FSM(有限状态机)的世界入口

Module Declaration
// Note the Verilog-1995 module declaration syntax here: module top_module(clk, reset, in, out); input clk; input reset; // Synchronous reset to state B input in; output out;

module top_module( input clk, input reset,// Asynchronous reset to state B input in, output out); //parameter A=0, B=1; reg state, next_state; always @(posedge clk) begin// This is a sequential always block // State flip-flops with asynchronous reset if(reset) state <= B; else state <= next_state; endalways @(*) begin// This is a combinational always block // State transition logic case(state) B: begin if(in == 1) next_state = B; else next_state = A; end A: begin if(in == 1) next_state = A; else next_state = B; end endcase end// Output logic // assign out = (state == ...); assign out = (state == A)?0:1; endmodule

Fsm2 This is a Moore state machine with two states, two inputs, and one output. Implement this state machine.
This exercise is the same as fsm2s, but using asynchronous reset.
#|HDLBits 系列(24)进入FSM(有限状态机)的世界入口

Module Declaration
module top_module( input clk, input areset,// Asynchronous reset to OFF input j, input k, output out);

module top_module( input clk, input areset,// Asynchronous reset to OFF input j, input k, output out); //parameter OFF=0, ON=1; reg state, next_state; always @(*) begin // State transition logic case(state) OFF: begin if(j == 1) next_state = ON; else next_state = OFF; end ON: begin if(k == 1) next_state = OFF; else next_state = ON; endendcase endalways @(posedge clk, posedge areset) begin // State flip-flops with asynchronous reset if(areset) state <= OFF; else state <= next_state; end// Output logic // assign out = (state == ...); assign out = (state == ON)? 1 : 0; endmodule

Fsm3comb The following is the state transition table for a Moore state machine with one input, one output, and four states. Use the following state encoding: A=2'b00, B=2'b01, C=2'b10, D=2'b11.
Implement only the state transition logic and output logic (the combinational logic portion) for this state machine. Given the current state (state), compute the next_state and output (out) based on the state transition table.
State Next state Output
in=0 in=1
A A B 0
B C B 0
C A D 0
D C B 1
Module Declaration
module top_module( input in, input [1:0] state, output [1:0] next_state, output out);

module top_module( input in, input [1:0] state, output [1:0] next_state, output out); //parameter A=0, B=1, C=2, D=3; // State transition logic: next_state = f(state, in) always@(*) begin case(state) A: begin if(in == 0) next_state = A; else next_state = B; end B: begin if(in == 0) next_state = C; else next_state = B; end C: begin if(in == 0) next_state = A; else next_state = D; end D: begin if(in == 0) next_state = C; else next_state = B; end endcase end// Output logic:out = f(state) for a Moore state machine assign out = (state == D) ? 1:0; endmodule
