crm|给SAP WebClient UI的表格行项目增添PDF预览功能

In CRM UI by default the PDF preview is only available in document header level. For example once PDF Fact Sheet is clicked, the PDF is displayed in a popup window.
crm|给SAP WebClient UI的表格行项目增添PDF预览功能

Suppose there are lots of document to be previewed as a PDF, you have to enter to overview page of each and preview there. A more efficient way is the preview functionality can be directly available in search result table as “One Click Action(OCA)”. This blog will explain the main required steps.
The example is built based on new Genil model CRMSM developed in CRM EHP3. For detail about this Genil model, please refer to this blog Twitter(also Facebook) is official integrated into CRM 7.0 EHP3.
Let’s have a look at what could be achieved as table line item preview.
Once the OCA in a given table row is clicked,
crm|给SAP WebClient UI的表格行项目增添PDF预览功能

A new Popup is displayed with rendered PDF there.
crm|给SAP WebClient UI的表格行项目增添PDF预览功能

Step by step for line item preview enablement (1) since it is required to display PDF in popup, so component usage for reuse component GSURLPOPUP must be declared in runtime repository.
crm|给SAP WebClient UI的表格行项目增添PDF预览功能

(2) Define OCA event handler in get_p callback:
crm|给SAP WebClient UI的表格行项目增添PDF预览功能

Source code of GET_P:

METHOD get_p_thtmlb_oca. CASE iv_property. WHEN if_bsp_wd_model_setter_getter=>fp_fieldtype. rv_value =>field_type_oca.WHEN if_bsp_wd_model_setter_getter=>fp_onclick. rv_value = ''. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD.

(3) Create a new event handler for PREVIEW event:
crm|给SAP WebClient UI的表格行项目增添PDF预览功能

METHOD eh_onpreview. DATA: lv_eventTYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_event_tableview. lv_event?= htmlb_event. me->typed_context->searchresult->eh_on_one_click_action( iv_htmlb_event= lv_event iv_htmlb_event_ex = htmlb_event_ex ). ENDMETHOD.

The method above EH_ON_ONE_CLICK_ACTION is implemented in context node class:
METHOD eh_on_one_click_action. DATA: lv_eventTYPE string, lv_indexTYPE string, lr_colTYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity. SPLIT iv_htmlb_event_ex->event_defined AT '.' INTO lv_event lv_index. me->get_bo_by_index( conv #( lv_index ) ). lr_col ?= me->collection_wrapper->get_current( ). CHECK lr_col IS NOT INITIAL. CASE lv_event. WHEN 'PREVIEW'. mr_owner->open_pdf( lr_col ). WHEN OTHERS. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD.

Inside this method, the PDF preview task is delegated to method OPEN_PDF:
METHOD open_pdf. DATA(lv_uuid) = ir_bol->get_property_as_string( 'UUID' ).CONCATENATE 'uuid=' lv_uuid INTO DATA(lv_query). DATA(lv_url) = cl_crm_web_utility=>create_url( iv_path = '/sap/crm/social_print' iv_query = lv_query iv_in_same_session = 'X' ). SELECT SINGLE internal_id INTO @DATA(lv_id) FROM crmd_soc_post WHERE uuid = @lv_uuid. DATA(lv_title) = 'Social Post preview: ' && lv_id. DATA(lr_popup) =me->comp_controller->window_manager->create_popup(iv_interface_view_name = 'GSURLPOPUP/MainWindow' iv_usage_name= 'CUGSURLPopup' iv_title= lv_title ). DATA(lr_cn) = lr_popup->get_context_node( 'PARAMS' ). DATA(lr_obj) = lr_cn->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).DATA(ls_params) = VALUE crmt_gsurlpopup_params( url = lv_url height = '700' ). lr_obj->set_properties( ls_params ). lr_popup->set_display_mode( if_bsp_wd_popup=>c_display_mode_plain ). lr_popup->set_window_width( 700 ). lr_popup->set_window_height( 700 ). lr_popup->open( ). ENDMETHOD.

(4) Create a new ICF node social_print in tcode SICF:
crm|给SAP WebClient UI的表格行项目增添PDF预览功能

Create a new handler class ZCL_SOCIAL_PRINT for this node.
crm|给SAP WebClient UI的表格行项目增添PDF预览功能

(5) Inside the handler class mentioned in step 4, an Adobe print form template ZPF_SOCIAL_POST is used.
As a result you need to create it in tcode SFP. You have two objects to create in this transaction code.
(1) A form interface ZIF_SOCIAL_POST. This interface declares importing signature which will be filled by the PDF consumer with business data.
The signature required by this example could be found in below screenshot.
crm|给SAP WebClient UI的表格行项目增添PDF预览功能

(2). A template file which defines PDF layout. In the design time you specify the mapping relationship between UI elements in the template with their corresponding data nodes created in form interface.
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Click Layout tab to open Form Builder, and define data binding there.
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For this example, you can just type “fb_xdp_up” in command area and upload the template file locally.
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Once uploaded, activate both interface and template.
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In the runtime the ABAP data to be displayed is converted to xml format and merged into template by ADS ( Adobe Document Service ). If you meet with any trouble during PDF generation phase, you can debug method CL_FP_PDF_OBJECT~EXECUTE_INTERNAL to find the root cause.
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The user parameter FPTRACELEVEL is a convenient way to get detail trace for PDF rendering detail.
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crm|给SAP WebClient UI的表格行项目增添PDF预览功能
