新课标第一网免费课件ppt_新课标第一网初中生物( 五 )

Dinosaurs lived on earthmore thansixty million years ago. This was a long time before people existed. There weremillions ofdinosaurs. They livedeverywhere. Some were as*** allas chickens. Others were asbigas elephants. Some dinosaurs had wings and could fly.
Many dinosaurs werefriendly. They were asgentleas sheep and ate plants. Others weredangerous. They werescarierthan tigers and ate meat, unlike most other dinosaurs.
T: You’ve talked a lot about your favorite animals, what’s my favorite animal? 告诉学生是恐龙,然后也跟初稿一样进行恐龙的听力训练 。不同的是,听力之后我又增加了一个任务:Vote for “the Star of the Animals” (大连动物园正在举行”动物之星”的评选活动,选择你所喜欢的一种,为它投上一票.并说明理由, 同时通过比较,说明不选其他动物的理由) 。
新课程在重视语言输入的同时,注重让学生学习、掌握和积累与某一任务或话题相关的词汇和语篇材料,使学生在感知大量语言材料的基础上获得语感,为真实交际做好准备 。此外,在学习语篇的同时,学生的积极情感因素得到激发,对提高学习效果有促进作用 。经过仔细筛选,笔者选用了一篇有关恐龙的篇章作为语篇,因为这个语篇中正好有很多形容词 。笔者力图使学生通过听力和阅读,体会形容词比较等级的意义和用法,并能在口头输出时,较为准确地使用 。
两个教学设计都是追求语篇输入,但是初稿片面强调了语言知识,忽略了学生的积极情感 。而新课程理念和生本理念都强调我们要
I like dolphins best because they are one of the cutest animals in the world. They are as friendly as pandas, but they are cleverer than them. We often hear stories of dolphins saving people in the sea. It can sing, it has the most amazing voice in the world. Also, it’s so wonderful that they can perform many actions. I don’t like lions or tigers, because they are scarier than any other animal. I don’t like monkeys because they are uglier than the dolphins. So I’d like to vote for the dolphins to be “the Star of the Animals”.
学生的表现使我们不得不相信生本的教育理念:学生是可以依靠的,学生是教育对象,更是教育资源 。
中考临近,教师面对大量的复习内容往往选择“题海战术”,一张又一张的试卷,学生做得头昏脑胀 。教师却又常常抱怨:“这道题都已经做了N遍了,学生怎么还是错了?”在本节课中,笔者让学生在情景交际中复习运用了形容词,在语篇中让学生感知了语言,检测了学习的有效性 。最后,因为本课是语法复习课,应该回归语法归纳,从而达到举一反三、灵活应用的“高出”目的 。
笔者采用的 *** 是抽出本节所谈论到的一些语句,形成10组题,每组3-5题 。让学生先练习,然后在小组内订正并归纳出使用规律 。句子是这样设计的:用形容词的适当形式填空,并归纳其规律 。
1.Rule 1:凡是有__________等后面一定跟原级 。___________中间放原级 。
①The giraffe is quite _________. (tall) ②Your box is as _______ (big) as mine.
③The boy is too _______(young) to go to school.
2.Rule2:________________________要用比较级 。
①A cheetah is _______ than a lion. (fast) ②The book is ________ than that one. (good)
1. The giraffe is quite _______. (tall)
2. A tiger is as _______ (scary) as a lion.
3. The boy is too _______(young) to go to school.
4. An elephant is much ______ than a pig. (big)
