
Weight指的是物体的重量或重力,是指物体所受到的引力大小 。重量的单位是牛顿或千克 。物体的重量与其质量有直接关系,但在不同的重力场中,物体的重量会有所不同,通过物体的重量可以反映其所受到的重力大小 。例如,一个质量为1千克的物体在地球表面所受到的重力约为9.8牛顿 。重量的概念在物理学、机械学等多个领域中都有应用 。


Talking about health & sports. 聊聊健康与运动
A:You’re in good shape. Been working out?
B: Yeah. I’ve been going to the gym quite often. I do a lot of exercise every day.
A: Wow. That’s so cool! Is this how you keep in good shape? I was wondering if you could give me some advice. I’ve always wanted to look fit, but I’ve been out of shape for as long as I can remember.
B: Yeah. Pretty much. I also play soccer with my colleagues on the weekends. You should come. It might be a bit too tough and exhausting for you at first, but you’ll get there. I used to go swimming a lot. What about you? Do you do any exercise or play any sports at all?
A: I played a little basketball back in high school, but after I started to work, I also started to put on weight. The more weight I put on, the less I want to work out. The less I work out, the fatter I get. It’s a vicious circle.
B: Right on! So what are you waiting for? Come and join me. I’m gonna hit the gym in a bit. Come along!
  1. shape形状
  2. gym, 完整为gymnasium. 健身房
  3. fit看上去健康的;
  4. tough艰辛的;艰苦的
  5. exhausting累人的;
  6. soccer足球; 美式用法;英国人用football. 而football在美式英语里表示美式橄榄球
  7. weight体重;由动词weigh称重转变而来,问别人多重为:How much do you weigh 或 What do you weigh? 尽量不要说How heavy are you ……
  8. vicious凶恶的;恶毒的
  1. work out健身;例句:I need to start working out again. 我得开始恢复健身了 。
  1. in good shape身材很好;保持好身材即为:Stay in good shape或Keep in good shape. 身材不好为in bad shape;身材走形为out of shape.
  1. Go to the gym = hit the gym表示去健身房健身;例句:I’m gonna hit the gym.我准备去健身房锻炼了 。
  1. Quite often = very often频率很高;很频繁;例句:He goes on business trips quite often. 我经常出差 。
  1. Do exercise锻炼身体;例句:Do you do any exercise? 你平时锻炼吗?exercise也可以表示‘作业练习’ 。
  1. Look fit看上去健康;短语as fit as a fiddle表示人很健康状态很好;例句:My grandpa is 80 years old and he still looks as fit as a fiddle.我爷爷八十岁了但看上去仍然气色很好很健康 。
  1. As long as I can remember跟我能够记住的时间一样长,即为:很久很久了 。例句:You’ve been in love with her for as long as I can remember. 你爱她爱了很久了 。
  1. Pretty much差不多;例句:I pretty much saw everything. 我差不多什么都看到了; That’s pretty much it for today. 今天就差不多到这吧 。
  1. Play soccer踢足球;球类一般用play;常见的有:play badminton 打羽毛球;play basketball打篮球;play tennis 打网球;play table-tennis/ping pong 打乒乓球;play volleyball 打排球;play baseball 打棒球;play golf 打高尔夫球等.
  1. On the weekends = on weekends在周末; on weekdays 在工作日;
  1. At first刚开始;例句:I didn’t like her at first.我刚开始并不喜欢她 。
  1. Put on weight = gain weight增重;变胖;反义词为lose weight减重;减肥;因为英语里的计量单位为pound;所以也可以说put on some pounds/ lose some pounds.
