
最近很多人都看到了一篇发表于《Diabetes Care》杂志上的科学新闻:
尽管对其他亚洲国家来说,多吃米饭的确会增加糖尿病风险,但对中国人来说,多吃米饭却不会显著增加糖尿病的风险,甚至一天吃 450 克大米,相当于煮出来的米饭 5 碗,都没事[1]!
很多人都感到松了一口气:啊,看来我可以放心吃米饭了 。
这个研究结果适合用来指导我们的饮食生活吗?不管您信不信,反正我是不全信的 。
不想看细致科学分析和逻辑推理的朋友,可以重点看加重字体,并细读最后的研究理解和防病建议 。

糖尿病是一种身体活力不佳、代谢能力较差的状态 。合理的营养有利于预防糖尿病,其解释不仅仅在于碳水化合物的摄入量,应当更多地考虑体力活动量,以及整体的营养素供应情况 。如果天天顿顿主食只吃大量白米饭,体力活动量又很小,那的确是有理由担心糖尿病风险增加的.....
【糖尿病|多吃米饭糖尿病风险不升高?别急着相信新研究】与其仅仅少吃白米饭,不如用全谷杂粮替代一部分白米饭,同时保证蛋白质供应,增加多种蔬菜摄入量,再积极运动起来,强化肌肉,消耗血糖 。那么我们就可以和白米饭和平共处啦 。在亲人聚餐、节日大餐时吃一小碗白米饭,完全不必有罪恶感!
1 Bhavadharini B, Mohan V, Dehghan M, et al. White Rice Intake and Incident Diabetes: A Study of 132,373 Participants in 21 Countries. Diabetes Care, 2020, September 1.
2 Kaur B,Radawana V, Jeya C, et al. The glycaemic index of rice and rice products: a review, and table of GI values. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2015, 56(2): 215-236
3 Ma R C W, Lin X, Jia W. Causes of type 2 diabetes in China [J]. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 2014, 2(12): 980-91.
4 Bhavadharini B, Mohan V, Dehghan M, et al. White Rice Intake and Incident Diabetes: A Study of 132,373 Participants in 21 Countries[J]. Diabetes Care, 2020.
5 Villegas R, Liu S, Gao Y T, et al. Prospective study of dietary carbohydrates, glycemic index, glycemic load, and incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in middle-aged Chinese women[J]. Archives of Internal Medicine, 2007, 167(21): 2310-2316.
6 Seah J Y H, Koh W P, Yuan J M, et al. Rice intake and risk of type 2 diabetes: the Singapore Chinese Health Study[J]. European Journal of Nutrition, 2019, 58(8): 3349-3360.
7 Golozar A, Khalili D, Etemadi A, et al. White rice intake and incidence of type-2 diabetes: analysis of two prospective cohort studies from Iran[J]. BMC Public Health, 2017, 17(1): 133.
8 Dong F, Howard A G, Herring A H, et al. White rice intake varies in its association with metabolic markers of diabetes and dyslipidemia across region among Chinese adults[J]. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2015, 66(4): 209-218.
9 Hu Y, Ding M, Sampson L, et al. Intake of whole grain foods and risk of type 2 diabetes: results from three prospective cohort studies[J]. bmj, 2020, 370.
