透明质酸|玻尿酸不“打针”改口服了?是不是智商税( 三 )

6.Kawada C, Yoshida T, Yoshida H, et al. Ingestion of hyaluronans (molecular weights 800 k and 300 k) improves dry skin conditions: a randomized, double blind, controlled study [published correction appears in J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2015 Jul;57(1):88-9]. J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2015;56(1):66-73. doi:10.3164/jcbn.14-81
7.食品安全标准与监测评估司《蝉花子实体(人工培植)等 3 种新食品原料》
8.Yamada T, Kawasaki T. Microbial synthesis of hyaluronan and chitin: New approaches. J Biosci Bioeng. 2005 Jun;99(6):521-8. doi: 10.1263/jbb.99.521. PMID: 16233827.
撰文 | 鱼丸
设计 | 柚子
