2014年高考英语试题 2014高考英语试题全国卷1( 五 )

本文利用语料库检索软件对近五年温州中考英语阅读理解文本难度进行分析,发现阅读文本在词汇、句法和语篇难度上均呈上升趋势,依据研究结果提出了相关的试题命制、评估与教学建议 。由于篇幅有限,本文仅对阅读文本本身进行评估,而并未涉及文本与试题难度的关系,这一点尚待进一步研究 。
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Corpus-Based Asses *** ent of Difficulty of English Reading Texts in Reading Comprehension in Senior High School Entrance ExaminationZheng Ou
Abstract:Employing corpus technology, the paper measures the difficulty of the texts in English reading comprehension in Wenzhou senior school entrance examination from 2017 to 2021 in terms of lexical, syntactic and textual levels. The study yields the findings that: the total words range from 1,100 to 1,300; the average type -token ratio ranges from 37.45% to 40.51%; the average readability is 67.6; text D has the highest readability. The statistics indicate an upward trend in lexical, syntactic and textual difficulty. Thus the paper suggests teachers: lead students to increase reading input and enhance extracurricular reading of various topics and genres; cultivate students’ reading strategies of guessing the meaning of new words,*** yzing long and difficult sentences and arranging time properly; teach reading as a whole and facilitate students’ deep learning. The research has some enlightenment about how to control the difficulty of reading texts when designing a test, assess the difficulty after a test and improve teaching by means of corpus resources.
Key words:corpus; reading texts; difficulty
