脱脂牛奶|脱脂牛奶是否真的比全脂牛奶更健康?( 二 )

审稿:赵力超 | 美编:陈楚欣
[1] Mena-Sánchez, G., Becerra-Tomás, N., Babio, N., et al. Dairy product consumption in the prevention of metabolic syndrome:A systematic review andmeta-analysis of prospective cohort studies[J]. Advances in Nutrition. 2019,10(suppl_2):S144-S153.
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[4] Drouin-Chartier, J.-P., C?té, J. A., Labonté, M.-è., et al. Comprehensive review of the impact of dairy foods and dairy fat on cardiometabolic risk[J]. Advances in Nutrition. 2016, 7(6): 1041-1051.
