
人类爱用咖啡和茶来给大脑补充咖啡因,蜜蜂有时也会吮吸天然含有咖啡因的花蜜,而这似乎能增强它们的记忆力 。一项研究表明,蜜蜂还很享受植物分泌的另一种熟悉药物:尼古丁 。
“结果表明,不仅是人类,蜜蜂也很难戒掉尼古丁 。”伦敦玛丽女王大学(Queen Mary University of London)的行为与感觉生态学教授拉尔斯·奇特卡(Lars Chittka)说 。
奇特卡和同事以熊蜂为研究对象,观察了它们对含有不同浓度尼古丁假花的反应 。尼古丁浓度过高的假花会让熊蜂望而怯步,但符合现实世界尼古丁浓度的花朵则对熊蜂有吸引作用;此外,如果熊蜂吸食了适量的尼古丁,它们还能更快地记住这朵花的颜色 。
Bees Prefer Flowers That Proffer Nicotine
We humans enjoy coffee and tea, to give our brains a caffeine boost. And bees sometimes sip nectar that naturally contains caffeine, which seems to enhance their memory. Now a study suggests that bees enjoy another familiar drug produced by plants: nicotine.
"As it turns out, not just in humans, but even the bees seem to have difficulties quitting." Lars Chittka, a professor of behavioral and sensory ecology at Queen Mary University of London.
Chittka and his colleagues studied bumblebees as they visited fake flowers that contained varying levels of nicotine. Unnaturally high nicotine concentrations deterred the bees. But at real-world levels, the drug attracted bees. And they even learned a flower's color faster, if that flower offered a nicotine fix.
Sometimes bees paid a steep price for this preference...[full transcript]
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