语言发育迟缓|宝宝说话晚,是“贵人语迟”吗?( 二 )

Causes of language delay
Some language delay is related with hearing impairment, autism, developmental disorder, intellectual impairment, or environmental factors. However, we don’t know what causes language delay in most cases. But we do know there’s likely to be a genetic or biological component. That is, language delay might run in families. Language delay is more likely for boys and children who have a close family member with a history of a language delay or communication disorder
How to identify language delay
Children develop language at different rates. So comparing your child to other children of the same age might not help you to know whether your child has a language delay or ‘late talkers’. It’s best to seek professional advice if you see any of the following signs in your child at different ages.
By 6 months
Child isn't trying to talk to you in ‘coos’ and other sounds.
By 10 months
No babbling or no responding to his name when called
By 12 months
Child isn’t trying to communicate with you using sounds, gestures and/or words, particularly when needing help or wanting something.
By 15 months
Child doesn’t seem to understand simple questions – for example, ‘Where’s Mummy?’
By 2 years
·isn’t saying about 30 to 50 different words
·isn’t combining two or more words together – for example, ‘Mum up’
·isn’t producing words spontaneously – that is, your child only copies words or phrases from others
·doesn’t seem to understand simple instructions or questions – for example, ‘Get your shoes’, ‘Want a drink?’ or ‘Where’s Mummy?’
At about 3 years
·isn’t combining words into longer phrases or sentences – for example, ‘Help me Mummy’ or ‘Want more drink’
·doesn’t seem to understand longer instructions or questions – for example, ‘Get your shoes and put them in the box’ or ‘What do you want to eat for lunch today?’
·isn’t asking questions – for example, ‘What are you doing?”
·takes little or no interest in books.
Children with developmental language disorder:
·struggle to learn new words and make conversation
·use short, simple sentences, and often leave out important words in sentences
【语言发育迟缓|宝宝说话晚,是“贵人语迟”吗?】·struggle to use past, present or future tense the right way
·respond to just part of an instruction
·find it hard to use the right words when talking
·might not understand the meaning of words, sentences or stories.
